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Belfast Days Belfast Days

Автор: Eimear O’Callaghan

Год издания: 0000

Belfast 1972. It s the bloodiest year of the Northern Irish Troubles and sixteen-year-old Eimear O'Callaghan, a Catholic schoolgirl in West Belfast, bears witness to it all in her diary. What follows is a window into the daily life of an ordinary teenager coming of age in extraordinary times. The immediacy of the diary entries are complemented with the author's mature reflections written forty years later. The result is poignant, shocking, wryly funny, sometimes prophetic, and above all, explicitly honest.This unique publication comes at a time when Northern Ireland is desperately struggling to come to terms with the legacy of its turbulent past. It provides a powerful juxtaposition of the ordinary, everyday concerns of a sixteen-year-old girl who could be any girl in any British city at this time, worrying about exams, boys, her hair, clothes, saving for the latest David Cassidy single – with the unimaginable horror of a society slowly disintegrating before her eyes, a seemingly inevitable descent into a bloody civil war, fuelled by sectarianism, hatred, fear, and the folly of politicians.Written by an experienced broadcaster and journalist, Belfast Days demonstrates how one person's examination of her own story, upon rediscovering her 1972 diary, provided her – and all readers – with a new perspective on one of the darkest periods in twentieth century British and Irish history.
Paperboy: An Enchanting True Story of a Belfast Paperboy Coming to Terms with the Troubles Paperboy: An Enchanting True Story of a Belfast Paperboy Coming to Terms with the Troubles

Автор: Tony Macaulay

Год издания: 

It’s Belfast, 1975. The city lies under the dark cloud of the Troubles, and hatred fills the air like smoke. But Tony Macaulay has just turned twelve and he’s got a new job. He’s going to be a paperboy. And come rain or shine – or bombs and mortar – he will deliver…Paperboy lives in Upper Shankill, Belfast, in the heart of the conflict between Loyalists and Republicans. Bombings are on the evening news, rubble lies where buildings once stood, and rumours spread like wildfire about the IRA and the UDA.But Paperboy lives in a world of Doctor Who, Top of the Pops and fish suppers. His battles are fought with all the passion of Ireland’s opposing sides – but against acne, the dentist and the ‘wee hoods’ who rob his paper money. On his rounds he hums songs by the Bay City Rollers, dreams about outer space and dreams even more about the beautiful Sharon Burgess.In this touching, funny and nostalgic memoir, Tony Macaulay recounts his days growing up in Belfast during the Troubles, the harrowing years which saw neighbour fighting neighbour and brother fighting brother. But in the midst of all this turmoil, Paperboy, a scrappy upstart with a wicked sense of humour and sky-high dreams, dutifully goes about his paper round. He is a good paperboy, so he is.Paperboy proves that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times; it is a story that will charm your socks off, make you laugh out loud and brings to life the culture, stories and colourful characters of a very different – but very familiar – time.

Sniper Fire in Belfast Sniper Fire in Belfast

Автор: Shaun Clarke

Год издания: 

Ultimate soldier. Ultimate mission. But can the SAS survive working deep undercover among the terrorists of Northern Ireland?It is the 1970s, and a mean and dirty war is being waged on British soil. Sectarian violence is an almost daily occurrence and the terrorist groups, who finance their operations through robbery, fraud and extortion, engage in torture, assassination and wholesale slaughter.To cope with the terrorists’ activities the British Army need the support of exceptional soldiers who can operate deep undercover – the SAS. The regiment is soon embroiled in some of the most secretive, dangerous and controversial activities in its history. These include plain-clothes work in the towns and cities, the running of operational posts in rural areas, surveillance and intelligence gathering, ambushes and daring cross-border raids.Sniper Fire in Belfast is a nerve-jangling adventure about the most daring soldiers in military history, where friend and foe look the same and each encounter could be their last.

Sniper Fire in Belfast Sniper Fire in Belfast

Автор: Shaun Clarke

Год издания: 

Belfast Girl on Galway Bay Belfast Girl on Galway Bay

Автор: Anne Doughty

Год издания: 

Przemiany przestrzeni miejskiej Belfastu Przemiany przestrzeni miejskiej Belfastu

Автор: Ewa Szczecinska-Musielak

Год издания: