Paws to Reflect for Dog Lovers
Автор: Kim McLean
Год издания: 0000
Sometimes human communication falls short in conveying spiritual truth. Sometimes God speaks through whatever means He chooses—and often he chooses our four-legged friends.<br> <br> <em>Paws to Reflect for Dog Lovers</em> offers 60 reflections for those who seek to grow spiritually by observing the unconditional love and devotion of our pups. This devotional offers a mix of humorous and heart-warming lessons in creative chapters such as these: <ul> <li>You Can’t Judge a Cocker by Its Spaniel</li> <li>Footprints on the Pink Couch</li> <li>Growling for Grace</li> <li>The Hound of Heaven</li> <li>Cleanliness is Next to Impossible</li> </ul> As we stand in awe of humble animal hearts, we can learn important life lessons about overcoming mistakes, loving without judgment, persevering with wisdom and grace, resting in the arms of the One who loves us, and more.
Reflections upon the conduct of human life
Автор: John Norris
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Reflections upon the conduct of human life : with reference to the study of learning and knowledge : in a letter to the Excellent Lady, the Lady Masbam / by John Norris ; to which is annexed, a Visitation sermon, by the same author».
On an improved reflecting circle
Автор: Joseph de Mendoza Rios
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «On an improved reflecting circle : from the philosophical translations / by Joseph de Mendoza Rios».