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African-Language Literatures African-Language Literatures

Автор: Innocentia Jabulisile Mhlambi

Год издания: 0000

African-language writing is in crisis. The conditions under which African writing developed in the past (only remotely similar to those of Western models), resulted in an inability of Eurocentric literary models to explore the hermeneutic world of African language poetics inherited from the oral and the modern worlds. Existing modes of criticism in the study of this literary tradition are often unsuited for a nuanced understanding of the intrinsic and extrinsic aspects at play in the composition, production and reading of these literatures. In African-Language Literatures, Innocentia Jabulisile Mhlambi charts new directions in the study of African-language literatures generally and isiZulu fiction in particular by proposing that African popular arts and culture models be considered as a logical solution to current debates and challenges. Mhlambi shows how the popular arts and culture approach brings into relationship the oral and written forms, the local and the international, and elitist and popular genres, and locates and places the resultant emerging, eclectic culture into its socio-historical context. She uses this theoretical approach to explore – in a wide range of cultural products – what matters or what is of interest to the people, irrespective of social hierarchies and predispositions. It is her contention that, in profound ways the African-language literary tradition evinces diversity, complexity and fluidity, and that this should be seen as an invitation to look at systems of meaning which do not hide their connections with the facts of power and material life.
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language

Автор: Ronald P. Cody, Jeffrey K. Smith

Год издания: 

This book is intended to provide the applied researcher with the capacity to perform statistical analyses with SAS software without wading through pages of technical documentation. The researcher is provided with the necessary SAS statements to run programs for most of the commonly used statistics, explanations of the computer output, interpretations of results, and examples of how to construct tables and write up results for reports and journal articles.

The Bulgarian Language in Practice: A Basic Course in Contemporary Bulgarian as a Foreign Language The Bulgarian Language in Practice: A Basic Course in Contemporary Bulgarian as a Foreign Language

Автор: Eleonora Ivanova

Год издания: 

Начальный курс болгарского языка для иностранцев, включающий в себя 25 уроков (с текстами, диалогами, грамматическими комментариями и упражнениями), приложения и словарь. В приложениях содержатся тексты для дополнительной работы, краткий справочник по морфологии, а также иллюстрированную подборку бытовой лексики по ряду тем. Аудиоматериалы записаны болгарскими дикторами и актерами без использования английского языка. Все тексты звучат в естественном темпе, с безупречными произношением и интонацией.

Modern Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and Idioms in the Language of Business / Современный англо-русский словарь фразовых глаголов и идиом в сфере экономики и бизнеса Modern Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and Idioms in the Language of Business / Современный англо-русский словарь фразовых глаголов и идиом в сфере экономики и бизнеса

Автор: Клавдия Солодушкина

Год издания: 

Англо-русский словарь «Modern Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and Idioms in the Language of Business / Современный англо-русский словарь фразовых глаголов и идиом в сфере экономики и бизнеса» содержит около 500 идиом и 4000 фразовых глаголов, широко употребляемых в современной экономической литературе и в сфере деловой коммуникации. Цель этого справочника – помочь читателю в его стремлении совершенствовать свои навыки чтения и коммуникации в своей профессиональной области. Словарь предназначен для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей экономических вузов, а также экономистов и бизнесменов, сталкивающихся в своей деятельности с необходимостью читать литературу на английском языке по своей специальности или говорить по-английски при общении с зарубежными коллегами.

Celtic Literatures in the Twentieth Century Celtic Literatures in the Twentieth Century

Автор: Сборник статей

Год издания: 

«The Centre for Irish and Celtic Studies at the University of Ulster hosted at Coleraine, between the 24th and 26th August 2000, a very successful and informative conference on ‘Celtic Literatures in the Twentieth Century’. The lectures and the discussions were of a high standard, and it was the intention of the organisers to edit and publish the proceedings as soon as possible thereafter. Unfortunately, due to dif culties in assembling some of the papers, this was not possible and, consequently, publication has been delayed much longer than was originally anticipated. Despite this delay, we feel that those papers which we have received merit publication at this time, not only because of their intrinsicmerits, but also because they represent the views of the authors on their respective topics at the turn of the twenty rst century and will hopefully be of value to those interested in the state of the modern Celtic literatures.»

A grammar of the Punjabee language A grammar of the Punjabee language

Автор: William Carey

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A grammar of the Punjabee language / by W. Carey».