Найти книгу: "The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (Unabridged)"

The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (Unabridged) The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (Unabridged)

Автор: Frederick Douglass

Год издания: 0000

The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass was Douglass' third autobiography. In it he was able to go into greater detail about his life as a slave and his escape from slavery, as he and his family were no longer in any danger from the reception of his work. In this engrossing narrative he recounts early years of abuse; his dramatic escape to the North and eventual freedom, abolitionist campaigns, and his crusade for full civil rights for former slaves. It is also the only of Douglass' autobiographies to discuss his life during and after the Civil War, including his encounters with American Presidents such as Lincoln, Grant, and Garfield.
Статья «Times» о праве журналов следить за судебными процессами Статья «Times» о праве журналов следить за судебными процессами

Автор: Николай Александрович Добролюбов

Год издания: 

Статья английской газеты относительно ограничений свободы печати привлекла внимание Добролюбова тем, что в ней обсуждались проблемы, весьма актуальные для русской общественной жизни. Даже простая перепечатка статьи без всяких комментариев воспринималась как явный намек на произвол царской цензуры. Запрещение статьи явилось новым ярким актом этого произвола.

The life and times of Salvator Rosa. Vol. 2 The life and times of Salvator Rosa. Vol. 2

Автор: Sydney Morgan

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The life and times of Salvator Rosa : Vol. 2 : in 2 volumes / by Lady Morgan».

The sports and pastimes of the people of England The sports and pastimes of the people of England

Автор: Joseph Strutt

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The sports and pastimes of the people of England : including the rural and domestic recreations, May games, mummeries, shows, processions, pageants, and pompous spectacles, from the earliest period to the present time : illustrated by 140 engravings, in which are represented most of the popular diversions : selected from ancient paintings / by Joseph Strutt ; a new edition, with a copious index, by William Hone».

The life and times of Salvator Rosa. Vol. 1 The life and times of Salvator Rosa. Vol. 1

Автор: Sydney Morgan

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The life and times of Salvator Rosa : Vol. 1 : in 2 volumes / by Lady Morgan».

Mon Coeur Mis A Nu (Journaux Intimes) Mon Coeur Mis A Nu (Journaux Intimes)

Автор: Charles-Pierre Baudelaire

Год издания: