The Bones of Wolfe
Автор: James Carlos Blake
Год издания: 0000
In the newest Wolfe-family adventure from James Carlos Blake, Rudy and Frank Wolfe are engaging in routine miscellaneous business—some legitimate and some less so—for their family when they stumble upon a stash of high-quality pornographic films in a raid. The plot thickens when their Aunt Catalina, the family matriarch aged 115, recognizes a resemblance to her long-lost sister in one of the young performers. Catalina tasks the boys with tracking the girl down, however improbable a connection may be.<p> This proves to be no simple task. Soon, Rudy and Frank find themselves moving away from world of porn and towards the upper echelons of the Sinaloa drug cartel, where the mysterious woman has become a particular favorite of the head narco. For their aunt, the woman, and themselves, Frank and Rudy must find a way to extract her from the cartel. A tropical storm threatens their plan but their widespread and steadfast family stands ready to assist them every deadly mile of the way.<p> Ever daring and innovative, and assisted by the family's ready resources, the Wolfe brothers must run the highest risks in order to achieve the mission assigned them by the Grande Dame.
Archie tutvub Nero Wolfe'iga
Автор: Robert Goldsborough
Год издания:
Tagakaanetekst ehk siis raamatu sisututvustus: 1930. aastal saabub nooruke Archie Goodwin ponevuse otsinguil provintsist New Yorki, kuid tema karjaar oovalvurina jaab liigse «paastikulembuse» tottu usna luhikeseks. Oma varske pustolikangelase kuulsuse abil saab ta peatselt tood detektiiv Del Bascomi juures, kuid alles hotellimagnaadi poja Tommie Williamsoni roovimise juhtum viib Goodwini kokku mehega, kes muudab ta kogu edasist elu. Et aga toestada oma vaartust Laane 35. tanaval elava ja harva oma tugitoolist lahkuva seitsmendik tonni kaaluva Nero Wolfe'i silmis, peab Archie esmalt leidma Tommie Williamsoni. Oma meisterlikult Rex Stouti stiili, tegelaste iseloomu ning dialoogi jaljendavate romaanidega 1980ndatel kuulsaks saanud Robert Goldsborough jatkab Stouti parijate loal Nero Wolfe'i ja Archie Goodwini seikluste kirjeldamist. Tema esimene Wolfe'i seiklus «Morv mi-minooris» sai 1986. aastal bestselleriks ning parjati Nero Wolfe'i uhingu Nero auhinnaga, sellele jargnes veel kuus romaani, mis koik 1990ndatel ka eesti keelde tolgiti. Alates 2012. aastast kirjutab Goldsborough uusi Nero Wolfe'i romaane, millest esimene ongi nende kaante vahel eesti lugejateni joudev lugu kuulsa tugitoolidetektiivi ja tema tarmuka abilise esimesest kohtumisest. MULJETAVALDAV SAAVUTUS, MIS ULLATAB MEELDIVALT KADUNUD REX STOUTI KRIMINULLIDE AUSTAJAID! -Publishers Weekly