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Larry Brent, Marmortod, Teil 1 Larry Brent, Marmortod, Teil 1

Автор: Christian Montillon

Год издания: 0000

Larry Brent steht vor der gro?ten Enthullung seines Lebens. Die PSA ermittelt im Fall einer Toten, deren Haut an glanzenden Marmor erinnert. Die erste Spur fuhrt in die Vergangenheit, in die Zeit, als die Psychoanalytische Spezial-Abteilung gegrundet wurde. Was damals geschah, ist bis heute von hochster Bedeutung. In der Zentrale der PSA offnet sich eine Tur, die bisher verschlossen blieb…
Patricia Brent, Spinster Patricia Brent, Spinster

Автор: Jenkins Herbert George

Год издания: 

Google Speaks. Secrets of the World's Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page Google Speaks. Secrets of the World's Greatest Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Sergey Brin and Larry Page

Автор: Джанет Лоу

Год издания: 

Praise for Google Speaks «It's not hard to see that Google is a phenomenal company....At Geico, we pay these guys a whole lot of money for this and that key word.» –Warren Buffett «Google rocks. It raised my perceived IQ by about 20 points.» –Wes Boyd, President of Moveon.Org «Google is my rapid response research assistant. It's the Swiss Army knife of information retrieval.» –Lloyd Grove, columnist, Portfolio.com «Who's afraid of Google? Everyone.» –Wired magazine «Writers of the past had absinthe, whiskey or heroin. I have Google.» –Michael Chabon, author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

The Errand Boy; Or, How Phil Brent Won Success The Errand Boy; Or, How Phil Brent Won Success

Автор: Alger Horatio Jr.

Год издания: 

Larry’s Party Larry’s Party

Автор: Carol Shields

Год издания: 

The Orange Prize-winning novel of Larry Weller, a man who discovers the passion of his life in the ordered riotousness of Hampton Court’s Maze.Larry and his naive young wife, Dorrie, spend their honeymoon in England. At Hampton Court Larry discovers a new passion. Perhaps his ever-growing obsession with mazes may help him find a way through the bewilderment deepening about him as – through twenty years and two failed marriages – he endeavours to understand his own needs. And those of friends, parents, lovers, a growing son.

The Braddock Boys: Brent The Braddock Boys: Brent

Автор: Kimberly Raye

Год издания: 

Brent Braddock’s the ultimate charmer with his cocky wink and slow molten grin! But then he meets Chief Petty Officer Abigail Trent. She goes strictly by the book and is always the toughest one in the room. But she’s definitely all woman!Can a woman who champions all things good and a bad-boy… vampire make it work?