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Tricky Punctuation in Cartoons Tricky Punctuation in Cartoons

Автор: Lidia Stanton

Год издания: 0000

This illustrated punctuation workbook supports students with dyslexia, ADHD or other specific learning difficulties to develop their punctuation skills via inquiry-based learning. Using humour and fun cartoons to teach punctuation, the book encourages students to engage in active learning to make their own connections about punctuation rather than rote memorisation of rules. The jokes and unexpected punch lines also help make punctuation more fun and less intimidating. Using this workbook and inquiry-based learning the student gradually becomes proficient in generalising the specific rules they have learnt, detecting patterns from examples and inferring rules. Tricky Punctuation in Cartoons complements school literacy programmes and helps equip students who learn differently with additional ways to remember tricky punctuation rules.
Английская пунктуация / English Punctuation Английская пунктуация / English Punctuation

Автор: И. С. Рушинская

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The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation. An Easy-to-Use Guide with Clear Rules, Real-World Examples, and Reproducible Quizzes The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation. An Easy-to-Use Guide with Clear Rules, Real-World Examples, and Reproducible Quizzes

Автор: Jane Straus

Год издания: 

A revised and updated new edition of the bestselling workbook and grammar guide The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is a concise, entertaining workbook and guide to English grammar, punctuation, and usage. This user-friendly resource includes simple explanations of grammar, punctuation, and usage; scores of helpful examples; dozens of reproducible worksheets; and pre- and post-tests to help teach grammar to students of all ages. Appropriate for virtually any age range, this authoritative guide makes learning English grammar and usage simple and fun. This updated Eleventh Edition reflects the latest updates to English usage and grammar and features a fully revised two-color design and lay-flat binding for easy photocopying. Clear and concise, easy-to-follow, offering «just the facts» Fully updated to reflect the latest rules in grammar and usage along with new quizzes Ideal for students from seventh grade through adulthood in the US and abroad For anyone who wants to understand the major rules and subtle guidelines of English grammar and usage, The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation offers comprehensive, straightforward instruction.

Drawing Cartoons and Comics For Dummies Drawing Cartoons and Comics For Dummies

Автор: Brian Fairrington

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A unique reference for creating and marketing original cartoons and comics An original American art form, comics thrill millions of people across the globe. Combining step-by-step instruction with expert tips and advice, Drawing Cartoons & Comics For Dummies is a one-stop reference for creating and marketing original cartoons and comics. While many books tend to focus on specific characters or themes, this thorough guide focuses instead on helping aspiring artists master the basic building blocks of cartoons and comics, revealing step by step how to create everything from wisecracking bunnies to souped-up super villains. It also explores lettering and coloring, and offers expert marketing advice. The book's color insert provides guidance on how to add color to cartoon creations.

The New Yorker Book of Golf Cartoons The New Yorker Book of Golf Cartoons

Автор: Robert Mankoff

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A wry look at the golfing world, from the beloved cartoonists at The New Yorker A hilarious hole-in-one for golfers and cartoon-lovers alike, The New Yorker Book of Golf Cartoons, Second Edition brings together over a hundred classic images from across the magazine's eighty-plus-year history. Edited by Robert Mankoff, acclaimed cartoonist and cartoon editor at The New Yorker, and featuring work from legendary artists including Charles Addams, Roz Chast, Whitney Darrow Jr., Edward Koren, George Price, William Steig, and many others, the book is a side-splitting tribute to the game. Brings together over 100 golf-related cartoons by the best-loved cartoonists at The New Yorker Edited by the cartoonist and New Yorker cartoon editor Robert Mankoff Newly revised and updated to include coverage of the most recent developments in the golfing world, including Tiger Woods's troubles and more Features an introduction by Danny Shanahan A timeless anthology of the very best golf cartoons ever to grace the pages of America's favorite magazine, The New Yorker Book of Golf Cartoons captures the passion and the pain of the game.

The New Yorker Book of Money Cartoons The New Yorker Book of Money Cartoons

Автор: Robert Mankoff

Год издания: 

A charming, irreverent treasury from the cartoonists at The New Yorker Money doesn't just make the world go round—it spins it upside down, inside out, and out of orbit. Now, thanks to the world's most brilliant cartoonists, it also makes us giggle, chuckle, chortle, and laugh out loud. In The New Yorker Book of Money Cartoons, Second Edition, the cartoonist and cartoon editor of The New Yorker Robert Mankoff brings together over a hundred classic images that show the influence, power, and occasional insanity of money. Features over 100 cartoons—new and old—from the pens of cartooning legends including Charles Addams, George Booth, Victoria Roberts, Roz Chast, Leo Cullum, Jack Ziegler, Gahan Wilson, and many others Includes a hilarious introduction by David Sipress Newly revised to include cartoons that touch on today's most pressing money matters Capturing the myriad ways money informs, confuses, and sometimes takes control of our lives, The New Yorker Book of Money Cartoons is sure to tickle your money bone.