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Bake Me I'm Yours... Cookie Bake Me I'm Yours... Cookie

Автор: Lindy Smith

Год издания: 0000

This indulgent array of exquisite colorful cookies brought to you from best-selling author and sugarcrafter Lindy Smith shows readers must how easy it is to bake a range of cookie recipes, then get creative with endless ideas for icing, decorating and presentation to gain irresistible results. Cookie lover will be amazed at the variety, from simple single cookies to enjoy with coffee, to those transformed into wedding favours, decorations or even towering celebration displays, . With mouthwatering photography, tempting tips and a wide range of easy-to-follow indulgent projects, no one will be able to resist this celebration of the world of cookies.
Tough Cookies. Leadership Lessons from 100 Years of the Girl Scouts Tough Cookies. Leadership Lessons from 100 Years of the Girl Scouts

Автор: Kathy Cloninger

Год издания: 

Fundamental principles for how Girl Scouts USA is run and why it's so successful Millions of American businesswomen, thought leaders, and politicians received their first lessons in salesmanship, money management, marketing, teamwork, and fulfillment in the Girl Scouts. The Girls Scouts has shaped the lives of more than 50 million alumnae alive today. Eighty percent of American female senior business executives and business owners are former Girl Scouts. In March 2012, the Girl Scouts will celebrate their 100th anniversary. Tough Cookies captures the essence of this iconic organization and the principles that have allowed them to build and sustain a 100-year-old organization. Under current CEO Kathy Cloninger's leadership, the Girl Scouts has transformed and enhanced its ability to develop leadership in young women. Tough Cookies outlines the rise of the Girl Scouts, this recent and dramatically successful shift, and lessons that are applicable to make any business or organization a success. An inspiring story of the Girl Scouts founding, along with leadership and business lessons that can be applied to organizations of any size No other organization compares to Girl Scouts in size, experience, and resources devoted to developing leadership skills Publication coincides with the 100-year anniversary of GSUSA What can your business learn from the Girl Scouts?

Погадаем по-азиатски или… приколемся? Fortune Cookies – печенье с предсказаниями Погадаем по-азиатски или… приколемся? Fortune Cookies – печенье с предсказаниями

Автор: Ситникова Ольга

Год издания: 

Fortune Cookies (Печенье Судьбы) бьет двух зайцев на лету: угощает и развлекает. Нет, летящих зайцев все же больше – три. Третий приносит удачу и предсказывает будущее.

Fortune Cookie Fortune Cookie

Автор: Jean Ure

Год издания: 

A fun and feisty comedy drama from master storyteller Jean Ure – with a gorgeous cover look to appeal to all girls who love real-life stories.When Daniella Cassidy and her best friend Lisa fall in love with the gorgeous puppy in the next door garden, they never imagine they’ll end up getting to keep him – that they’ll have to save his life – or that he’ll lead them into such big trouble…A crazy real-life adventure about friendship, family, pets – and a plan that spirals out of control.

The C.e.o. & The Cookie Queen The C.e.o. & The Cookie Queen

Автор: Victoria Chancellor

Год издания: 

Note To Self: A Steer Is Not A Pet…I, Greg Rafferty, must not be of sound mind anymore. Why else would I bid on–and win!–little Jennifer Jacks's prize-winning bull, um, steer? It could have something to do with her doesn't-look-oldenough-to-be-a-preteen's-mom mother, the woman behind our successful Ms. Carole's cookies. I was expecting The Brady Bunch's Alice, not a blond, blue-eyed goddess in denim. And I know Carole is keeping something big from me. I wonder why such a beautiful woman is so publicity shy? She won't become the spokeswoman for my family's struggling business, but I think some kisses might persuade her to tell me her secrets and let this longtime bachelor become the daddy and husband the lovely Jacks ladies need!

Arthur'S Christmas Cookies Arthur'S Christmas Cookies

Автор: Lillian Hoban

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