Найти книгу: "100 Conversations You Need to Have (Trilogy)"

100 Conversations You Need to Have (Trilogy) 100 Conversations You Need to Have (Trilogy)

Автор: Perry Giuseppe Rizopoulos

Год издания: 0000

The notebooks included in the three volume set 100 Conversations You Need to Have  contain A Philosophy Guide, A Stoic Philosophy Guide , and A Chinese Philosophy Guide. Each notebook offers an accessible and thought-provoking collection of life’s big questions and corresponding answers from some of history’s greatest philosophers. Readers are provided with the opportunity to answer each question, turn the page and receive a short piece of advice from thinkers on topics that include happiness, friendship, discipline, patience, the meaning of life and death, and other essential topics. The list of philosophers that are featured in each notebook is very multicultural. It includes both men and women and spans across time, including, among others, Aristotle, Seneca, Simone de Beauvoir, Lao Tzu, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Alfarabi, Jean-Paul Sartre and Pema Chodron. These notebooks duplicate the Socratic dialogue method and embody the idea of philosophy being a pathway to a more fulfilling life by creating 100 meaningful dialogues between the reader and a diverse array of interlocutors who will guide them on their journey to crafting a good life.
Conversations of Lord Byron Conversations of Lord Byron

Автор: Thomas Medwin

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Conversations of Lord Byron : noted during a residence with His Lordship at Pisa in the years 1821 and 1822 / by Thomas Medwin, author of „Ahasuerus the wanderer“».

X cuddly English conversations. Забавные диалоги на английском и русском языках X cuddly English conversations. Забавные диалоги на английском и русском языках

Автор: Ida Rodich

Год издания: 

This book contains funny everyday conversations on different topics. The context of the conversations is reflected in proverbs and quotations. The editors are the native English speakers J. Nichols and L. Kardenas.Книга содержит занимательные повседневные диалоги на разные темы. Контекст диалогов отражен в пословицах и цитатах. Редакторы – носители английского языка Дж. Николс и Л. Карденас. Новое, переработанное издание.

Cousin Lucy's Conversations Cousin Lucy's Conversations

Автор: Abbott Jacob

Год издания: 

The Smart Set: Correspondence & Conversations The Smart Set: Correspondence & Conversations

Автор: Fitch Clyde

Год издания: 

The Hunters' Feast: Conversations Around the Camp Fire The Hunters' Feast: Conversations Around the Camp Fire

Автор: Майн Рид

Год издания: