The Englishman from Lebedian
Автор: J.A.E. Curtis
Год издания: 0000
After Evgeny Zamiatin emigrated from the USSR in 1931, he was systematically airbrushed out of Soviet literary history, despite the central role he had played in the cultural life of Russia’s northern capital for nearly twenty years. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, his writings have gradually been rediscovered in Russia, but with his archives scattered between Russia, France, and the USA, the project of reconstructing the story of his life has been a complex task. This book, the first full biography of Zamiatin in any language, draws upon his extensive correspondence and other documents in order to provide an account of his life which explores his intimate preoccupations, as well as uncovering the political and cultural background to many of his works. It reveals a man of strong will and high principles, who negotiated the political dilemmas of his day—including his relationship with Stalin—with great shrewdness.
A true and almost incredible report of an Englishman, that travelled by land through many unknowne kingdomes
Автор: Robert Coverte
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «A true and almost incredible report of an Englishman, that (being cast away in the good ship called the Assention in Cambaya, the farthest part of the East Indies) travelled by land through many unknowne kingdomes, and great cities : with a particular description of all those kingdomes, cities, and people : as alson a relation of their commodities and manner of traffique, and at what seasons of the year they are most in vse. faithfully related : with a discovery of a great Emperour called the Great Mogoll, a prince not till now knowne to our English nation / by captaine Robert Coverte».