Найти книгу: "Lives Lived and Lost"

Lives Lived and Lost Lives Lived and Lost

Автор: Kaja Finkler

Год издания: 0000

The lives of Haydn and Mozart The lives of Haydn and Mozart

Автор: Стендаль

Год издания: 

Примечание: Жизнеописания Гайдна, Моцарта и Метастазио. Полный вариант заголовка: «The lives of Haydn and Mozart : With observations on Metastasio, and on the present state of music in France and Italy / Translated from the French of L. A. C. Bombet. ; With notes by the author of the Sacred melodies».

A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships. Vol. 1 A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships. Vol. 1

Автор: Joshua Milne

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships : on the construction of tables of mortality and on the probabilities and expectations of life : in 2 vol. Vol. 1 / by Joshua Milne».

A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships. Vol. 2 A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships. Vol. 2

Автор: Joshua Milne

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurances on lives and survivorships : Vol. 2 : on the construction of tables of mortality and on the probabilities and expectations of life : wherein the laws of mortality that prevail in different parts of Europe are determined and the comparative mortalities of different diseases and of the 2 sexes are shown : with a variety of new tables : in 2 volumes / by Joshua Milne».

The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe: or, There's No Place Like Home The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe: or, There's No Place Like Home

Автор: Douglas Amanda M.

Год издания: 

Lives of Celebrated Women Lives of Celebrated Women

Автор: Goodrich Samuel Griswold

Год издания: