Найти книгу: "River's Call - Inn at Shining Waters 2 (Unabridged)"

River's Call - Inn at Shining Waters 2 (Unabridged) River's Call - Inn at Shining Waters 2 (Unabridged)

Автор: Melody Carlson

Год издания: 0000

Anna Larson's daughter, Lauren, is confused, brokenhearted, and misguided. It's the turbulent 1960s and, feeling alienated from her mother, Lauren chooses to stay with her paternal grandmother. However, repelled by the woman's manipulative and spiteful ways, Lauren returns to her mother, the river, and the Inn at Shining Waters. There, Lauren begins to appreciate the person her mother is becoming–and she loves the river. However, romantic interests throw a wrench into the works and Lauren, jealous and angry, returns to her grandmother yet again. But as time passes, Lauren, now a mother to her own defiant teenager, faces a new crisis-one that puts the entire family at risk
Bijdragen tot den waterstaat der Nederlanden Bijdragen tot den waterstaat der Nederlanden

Автор: Willem Boudewijn Donker Curtius

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Bijdragen tot den waterstaat der Nederlanden : bijzonder in opzigt tot zeker ontwerp van den inspecteur-generaal J. Blanken J. Z., tot afdamming der river de merwede / door W. B. Donker Curtius».

A narrative of the expedition to the rivers Orinoco and Apure, in South America A narrative of the expedition to the rivers Orinoco and Apure, in South America

Автор: Gustavus Hippisley

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A narrative of the expedition to the rivers Orinoco and Apure, in South America : which sailed from England in November 1817, and joined the patriotic forces in Venezuela and Caraccas / by G. Hippisley».

Up the Forked River: or, Adventures in South America Up the Forked River: or, Adventures in South America

Автор: Ellis Edward Sylvester

Год издания: 

The Red River Half-Breed: A Tale of the Wild North-West The Red River Half-Breed: A Tale of the Wild North-West

Автор: Gustave Aimard

Год издания: 

The Rover Boys in Southern Waters: or, The Deserted Steam Yacht The Rover Boys in Southern Waters: or, The Deserted Steam Yacht

Автор: Stratemeyer Edward

Год издания: