Найти книгу: "Summer Haven"

Summer Haven Summer Haven

Автор: Holli Levitsky

Год издания: 0000

A Peaceful Summer A Peaceful Summer

Автор: Ace Anthony

Год издания: 

The summer of 1939, the last summer of peace before World War II. Helmut Krauss, a young German pianist, returns home after completing his education in Britain, only to discover that his mother has become an ardent supporter of Hitler. Far from sharing his mother’s enthusiasm, Helmut applies for an American visa, but Frau Krauss doesn’t give up easily – she believes that her talented son and German Reich are made for each other…

A journey, made in the summer of 1794 through Holland and the Western frontier of Germany A journey, made in the summer of 1794 through Holland and the Western frontier of Germany

Автор: Анна Радклиф

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A journey made in the summer of 1794, through Holland and the western frontier of Germany with a return down the Rhine: to which are added Observations during a tour to the lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland / By Ann Radcliffe».

Zigzag Journeys in Northern Lands. The Rhine to the Arctic. A Summer Trip of the Zig-Zag Club Through Holland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden Zigzag Journeys in Northern Lands. The Rhine to the Arctic. A Summer Trip of the Zig-Zag Club Through Holland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden

Автор: Butterworth Hezekiah

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Four in Camp: A Story of Summer Adventures in the New Hampshire Woods Four in Camp: A Story of Summer Adventures in the New Hampshire Woods

Автор: Barbour Ralph Henry

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The New Eldorado. A Summer Journey to Alaska The New Eldorado. A Summer Journey to Alaska

Автор: Ballou Maturin Murray

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