Beyond Jewish Identity
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания: 0000
There is something deeply problematic about the ways that Jews, particularly in America, talk about “Jewish identity” as a desired outcome of Jewish education. For many, the idea that the purpose of Jewish education is to strengthen Jewish identity is so obvious that it hardly seems worth disputing—and the only important question is which kinds of Jewish education do that work more effectively or more efficiently. But what does it mean to “strengthen Jewish identity”? Why do Jewish educators, policy-makers and philanthropists talk that way? What do they assume, about Jewish education or about Jewish identity, when they use formulations like “strengthen Jewish identity”? And what are the costs of doing so? This volume, the first collection to examine critically the relationship between Jewish education and Jewish identity, makes two important interventions. First, it offers a critical assessment of the relationship between education and identity, arguing that the reification of identity has hampered much educational creativity in the pursuit of this goal, and that the nearly ubiquitous employment of the term obscures significant questions about what Jewish education is and ought to be. Second, this volume offers thoughtful responses that are not merely synonymous replacements for “identity,” suggesting new possibilities for how to think about the purposes and desired outcomes of Jewish education, potentially contributing to any number of new conversations about the relationship between Jewish education and Jewish life.
Beyond The City
Автор: Артур Конан Дойл
Год издания:
In 'Beyond the City', the desire for money and romance drives the characters beyond the typical boundaries of their middle class Victorian lives. Lust, deceit, and financial scandals rock their placid world. The girl next door is much more than ordinary in this surprising domestic romance by Arthur Conan Doyle. A remarkable departure from his famous detective stories, 'Beyond the City' explores the relationships between the residents of three adjoining homes.
ID. Identity и ее решающая роль в защите демократии
Автор: Натан Щаранский
Год издания:
Активист борьбы за эмиграцию советских евреев, соратник академика Сахарова по демократическому движению в СССР, политзаключенный, израильский министр Натан Щаранский выпустил свою третью книгу, которая развивает и дополняет идеи, высказанные в его предыдущей книге «В защиту демократии». Если та, как явствует из названия, была посвящена доказательству преимуществ демократической формы правления, то теперь автор постулирует недостаточность «голой» демократии – только опираясь на идентичность, культурную, национальную, религиозную, демократия становится силой, способной преобразить мир к лучшему. «Я написал эту книгу в защиту identity. Я написал ее, чтобы разъяснить, почему identity не только никак не враждебна демократии, а напротив, необходима для сохранения ее. Я написал эту книгу, стремясь разъяснить, почему для здоровья общества и для обеспечения мира на земле необходимо, чтобы identity держалась в рамках демократии, а демократия была привязана к земле узами identity. Identity без демократии способна стать фундаменталистской и тоталитарной. Демократия же без identity может превратиться в поверхностную и лишенную смысла», – поясняет замысел своей книги автор.
From Beyond
Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
Год издания:
The story is told from the first person perspective of an unnamed narrator and details his experiences with a scientist named Crawford Tillinghast. Tillinghast creates an electronic device that emits a resonance wave, which stimulates an affected person’s pineal gland, thereby allowing them to perceive planes of existence outside the scope of accepted reality.
Beyond the Wall of Sleep
Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт
Год издания:
An intern in a mental hospital relates his experience with Joe Slater, an inmate who died at the facility a few weeks after being confined as a criminally insane murderer.
Beyond the Great Mist
Автор: Asia Khafiz
Год издания:
During long summer evenings under the Central Asian skies, my little sister in her insatiable curiosity demanded new tales. And when all the famous stories had already been told, it became clear that the time had come to create. Thus, the novel “The Great Mist” was born. This fantasy tells the story of love and hate, of passion and longing, of dreams and reality – all on the edges of consciousness and subconsciousness. Wonderful illustrations were made by a talented illustrator, Ksenia Tkach.