Найти книгу: "When the Menorah Fades"

When the Menorah Fades When the Menorah Fades

Автор: Zvi Preigerzon

Год издания: 0000

An epic novel describing the life of the Jewish Hassidic community in a small Ukrainian town before and during German occupation.The novel is beautifully written and keeps reader in suspense till the last page.One of the first original documents describing the life of the Jewish community in the former USSR.Detailed and realistic description of the suffering and of Jews during Nazi occupation.
The Menorah Journal, Volume 1, 1915 The Menorah Journal, Volume 1, 1915

Автор: Various

Год издания: 

Until it Fades Until it Fades

Автор: K.A. Tucker

Год издания: 

Papias and the Mysterious Menorah Papias and the Mysterious Menorah

Автор: Ann Witherington

Год издания: