Найти книгу: "Merton of the Movies"

Merton of the Movies Merton of the Movies

Автор: Harry Leon Wilson

Год издания: 0000

Merton of the Movies, which Gertrude Stein called “the best book about 20th century American youth,” follows midwestern bumpkin Merton Gill’s unlikely journey from a Kansas stockroom to the star-studded set of a silent film. Unfortunately, the actors he’s idolized from afar lose their luster up close, which fuels his desire to become a dramatic leading man – not some slapstick fool. By a stroke of luck, Merton lands a gig as an extra. His natural oafishness catches the eye of stuntwoman Flips Montague, and before long he’s a comic star – the only problem is, it’s all a spoof, and he doesn’t know it.
First published in 1919 in the Saturday Evening Post, and adapted three times to film and once as a Broadway musical, Harry Leon Wilson’s cartoonish tale has earned its place as an essential California classic. This freewheeling romp gets to the heart of any Angeleno’s worst nightmare: what if I’m not in on the joke?
Seeing the Light. Exploring Ethics Through Movies Seeing the Light. Exploring Ethics Through Movies

Автор: Wanda Teays

Год издания: 

Seeing the Light: Exploring Ethics Through Movies is an engaging and innovative approach to the study of philosophy and the development of moral reasoning skills. Features broad coverage of topics in ethics and moral reasoning Offers an innovative and imaginative approach to showing relevance of movies for ethical reflection Draws on a diverse selection of popular movies, foreign films, and documentaries to illustrate ethical dilemmas and character development on the big screen that has application to our lives Presents coverage of major ethical theories ranging from Ethical Egoism and Cultural Relativism to Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Rawls' Justice Theory, Aristotle's Virtue Ethics, and Feminist Ethics Demonstrates how film is a powerful vehicle for sharpening skills in analysis and moral reasoning Includes accompanying website

Psychology at the Movies Psychology at the Movies

Автор: Skip Young Dine

Год издания: 

Psychology at the Movies explores the insights to be gained by applying various psychological lenses to popular films including cinematic depictions of human behavior, the psychology of filmmakers, and the impact of viewing movies. Uses the widest range of psychological approaches to explore movies, the people who make them, and the people who watch them Written in an accessible style with vivid examples from a diverse group of popular films, such as The Silence of the Lambs, The Wizard of Oz, Star Wars, Taxi Driver, Good Will Hunting, and A Beautiful Mind Brings together psychology, film studies, mass communication, and cultural studies to provide an interdisciplinary perspective Features an extensive bibliography for further exploration of various research fields

Thinking Through Film. Doing Philosophy, Watching Movies Thinking Through Film. Doing Philosophy, Watching Movies

Автор: Levine Michael P.

Год издания: 

An introduction to philosophy through film, Thinking Through Film: Doing Philosophy, Watching Movies combines the exploration of fundamental philosophical issues with the experience of viewing films, and provides an engaging reading experience for undergraduate students, philosophy enthusiasts and film buffs alike. An in-depth yet accessible introduction to the philosophical issues raised by films, film spectatorship and film-making Provides 12 self-contained, close discussions of individual films from across genres Films discussed include Total Recall, Minority Report, La Promesse, Funny Games, Ikuru, The Dark Knight, Memento, AI and more Explores concepts that span epistemology, metaphysics, fate, choice, robot love, time travel, personal identity, spectacle, ethics, luck, regret, consequentialism, deontology and the philosophy of film itself A uniquely flexible resource for courses in philosophy and film that encourages student reflection, as well as being an engaging read for the film enthusiast

Business Ethics Through Movies. A Case Study Approach Business Ethics Through Movies. A Case Study Approach

Автор: Wanda Teays

Год издания: 

Business Ethics Through Movies: A Case Study Approach examines a wide range of ethical dilemmas, principles and moral reasoning that arise in contemporary business through a series of popular films and real-world case studies. Engages readers in learning about ethical theory by using movies and both national and international case studies in business as the vehicle for analysis and reflection Facilitates comprehension of ethical issues by showing how characters in films confront issues, make choices, and face the consequences Draws from a variety of actual cases in Business Ethics – from the 1982 Tylenol poisoning and the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster to recent examples such as the Foster Farms salmonella outbreak and the chemical spill in West Virginia Reveals the important role that ethics plays in setting the moral foundation of a business or corporation Develops critical thinking skills through applying analytical checklists to ethical dilemmas raised in films and in actual cases in Business Ethics

Russian through movies Russian through movies

Автор: Irina Parfenova

Год издания: 

The script of Russian film with questions and tests to be used in learning Russian. Useful and practical as support material teaching Russian through popular movie.Пособие для изучения русского языка как иностранного на материалах фильма «Офицеры».