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Beyond the Good Death Beyond the Good Death

Автор: James W. Green

Год издания: 0000

In November 1998, millions of television viewers watched as Thomas Youk died. Suffering from the late stages of Lou Gehrig's disease, Youk had called upon infamous Michigan pathologist Dr. Jack Kevorkian to help end his life on his own terms. After delivering the videotape to 60 Minutes , Kevorkian was arrested and convicted of manslaughter, despite the fact that Youk's family firmly believed that the ending of his life qualified as a good death. Death is political, as the controversies surrounding Jack Kevorkian and, more recently, Terri Schiavo have shown. While death is a natural event, modern end-of-life experiences are shaped by new medical, demographic, and cultural trends. People who are dying are kept alive, sometimes against their will or the will of their family, with powerful medications, machines, and «heroic measures.» Current research on end-of-life issues is substantial, involving many fields. Beyond the Good Death takes an anthropological approach, examining the changes in our concept of death over the last several decades. As author James W. Green determines, the attitudes of today's baby boomers differ greatly from those of their parents and grandparents, who spoke politely and in hushed voices of those who had «passed away.» Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, in the 1960s, gave the public a new language for speaking openly about death with her «five steps of dying.» If we talked more about death, she emphasized, it would become less fearful for everyone. The term «good death» reentered the public consciousness as narratives of AIDS, cancer, and other chronic diseases were featured on talk shows and in popular books such as the best-selling Tuesdays with Morrie . Green looks at a number of contemporary secular American death practices that are still informed by an ancient religious ethos. Most important, Beyond the Good Death provides an interpretation of the ways in which Americans react when death is at hand for themselves or for those they care about.
Beyond The City Beyond The City

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

Год издания: 

In 'Beyond the City', the desire for money and romance drives the characters beyond the typical boundaries of their middle class Victorian lives. Lust, deceit, and financial scandals rock their placid world. The girl next door is much more than ordinary in this surprising domestic romance by Arthur Conan Doyle. A remarkable departure from his famous detective stories, 'Beyond the City' explores the relationships between the residents of three adjoining homes.

The Masque of the Red Death The Masque of the Red Death

Автор: Эдгар Аллан По

Год издания: 

In "The Masque of the Red Death" Edgar Allan Poe writes as no one else ever has of creeping, mounting terrors – of the deadly approach of a terrible pendulum, of the awful end of an ancient and noble house, and of the impossible beating of a dead heart.

From Beyond From Beyond

Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт

Год издания: 

The story is told from the first person perspective of an unnamed narrator and details his experiences with a scientist named Crawford Tillinghast. Tillinghast creates an electronic device that emits a resonance wave, which stimulates an affected person’s pineal gland, thereby allowing them to perceive planes of existence outside the scope of accepted reality.

Beyond the Wall of Sleep Beyond the Wall of Sleep

Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт

Год издания: 

An intern in a mental hospital relates his experience with Joe Slater, an inmate who died at the facility a few weeks after being confined as a criminally insane murderer.

Memoirs of the house of Brandenburg from the earliest accounts, to the death of Frederic I. king of Prussia Memoirs of the house of Brandenburg from the earliest accounts, to the death of Frederic I. king of Prussia

Автор: Friedrich II

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Memoirs of the house of Brandenburg from the earliest accounts, to the death of Frederic I. king of Prussia : to which are added four dissertations 1. On manners, customs, industry, and the progress of the human understanding in the arts and sciences ; 2. On superstitions and religion ; 3. On the ancient and modern government of Brandenburg ; 4. On the reasons for the enacting and repealing of laws / by the present king of Prussia (Friedrich II)».