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The Yellow Envelope (Unabridged) The Yellow Envelope (Unabridged)

Автор: Kim Dinan

Год издания: 0000

After Kim and her husband, Brian, decide to quit their jobs to travel around the world, they're given a yellow envelope containing a check and instructions to give the money away. There are only three rules for the envelope: don't overthink it, share your experiences, and don't feel pressured to give it all away. Through Ecuador, Peru, Nepal, and beyond, Kim and Brian face obstacles, including major challenges to their relationship. As they distribute the money to people they encounter along the way, they learn that money does not have anything to do with the capacity to give but that it is the giving of ourselves that is transformational.
The Bradys After a Chinese Princess: or, The Yellow Fiends of 'Frisco The Bradys After a Chinese Princess: or, The Yellow Fiends of 'Frisco

Автор: Doughty Francis Worcester

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The Island of Yellow Sands: An Adventure and Mystery Story for Boys The Island of Yellow Sands: An Adventure and Mystery Story for Boys

Автор: Brill Ethel Claire

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The Yellow Chief The Yellow Chief

Автор: Майн Рид

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Yellowstone Nights Yellowstone Nights

Автор: Quick Herbert

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Yellow Thunder, Our Little Indian Cousin Yellow Thunder, Our Little Indian Cousin

Автор: Wade Mary Hazelton Blanchard

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