The Reflective Workbook for Partners of Transgender People
Автор: D. M. Maynard
Год издания: 0000
Partners of people in transition go through their own transitions and may or may not be conflicted as to whether they will remain in their relationship. This unique self-help workbook was created for and focuses on the partner's perspective and own journey. By providing the support and structure needed for partners to reflect, this resource helps navigate the unexpected transition that affects both of their lives. Providing an essential tool that is currently missing, this book gives guidance and advice specifically designed for this situation, alongside activities, quizzes, and personal anecdotes. By combining portions of the author's self-exploration-as the partner of someone who began to transition after 17 years of being in their relationship- with the experiences shared by those who attended her workshops, this workbook examines the challenges, uncertainties, and possible grieving some partners experience throughout the transition process. With space for responding to reflective questions, exercises and games, this workbook offers partners a safe haven to discover their own wants and needs and will be of interest to both couples and individual counselors.
Read & Speak English. Workbook
Автор: Татьяна Дроздова
Год издания:
«Read and Speak English: Workbook» является приложением к учебнику «Read and Speak English». Пособие разработано для расширения и углубления грамматического раздела учебника. В основу упражнений положен ситуативный подход: грамматические явления рассматриваются в едином смысловом контексте – ситуации. Значительная часть заданий представляет собой короткие рассказы, шутки, диалоги, которые можно использовать не только в качестве грамматических упражнений, но и как законченные «тексты» для проверки понимания содержания и развития навыков говорения.
The sports and pastimes of the people of England
Автор: Joseph Strutt
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The sports and pastimes of the people of England : including the rural and domestic recreations, May games, mummeries, shows, processions, pageants, and pompous spectacles, from the earliest period to the present time : illustrated by 140 engravings, in which are represented most of the popular diversions : selected from ancient paintings / by Joseph Strutt ; a new edition, with a copious index, by William Hone».
An essay on the best means of providing employment for the people
Автор: Samuel Crumpe
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «An essay on the best means of providing employment for the people to which was adjudged the prize proposed by the Royal Irish academy for the best dissertation on that subject / By Samuel Crumpe».
Fanyasha: Why Do Angels Need People?
Автор: Marianna Rosset
Год издания:
A charming baby girl Efania (Fanyasha) is born in a regular family of angels. Her happy and carefree childhood ends when she finds out that a human is going to be born for her soon, and she is supposed to devote all her life to this person. This unusual story of a small, inquisitive angel girl and her family will help you learn not only about the life of heaven’s creatures, but also about the rules of life on Earth and the laws of the Universe.