The Way of St Francis
Автор: The Reverend Sandy Brown
Год издания: 0000
This guidebook describes the Way of St Francis a 550km month-long pilgrimage trail from Florence through Assisi to Rome. Split into 28 day stages, the walk begins in Florence and finishes in the Vatican City. Stages range from 8km to 30km with plenty to see, including ancient ruins, picturesque towns, national treasures, and stunning churches. This comprehensive guidebook fits in a jacket pocket or rucksack, and contains information on everything from accommodation and transport in Italy, to securing your credential (pilgrim identity card), budgeting, what to take, and where to do laundry. Stories of Francis of Assisi's life are also included. Although the route includes climbs and descents of up to 1200m, no special equipment is required – although your hiking boots and socks definitely need to get along. Following the steps of heroes, conquerors and saints on this pilgrim trail is manageable all year round, but is best done from April to June and mid-August to October. Route maps are given for every stage, and basic Italian phrases are included in the guidebook.
Francisci Baconi de Verulamio scripta in naturali et universali philosophia
Автор: Фрэнсис Бэкон
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Francisci Baconi de Verulamio scripta in naturali et universali philosophia».
Francisks. Lugsanu speks
Автор: Mario Eskovars
Год издания:
FRANCISKS. Lugsanu speks ir stasts par lenpratigu cilveku, kurs kluvis par vienu no ietekmigakajiem un varenakajiem cilvekiem pasaule. Vai sis beidzot bus katolu pavasaris, kas iestajies pec arkartigi ilgas ziemas? Pavests Francisks ir asketisks un vienkarss, ieguvis labu teologisko izglitibu. Nenogurstosi cinidamies pret nabadzibu un marginalizaciju, vins ir ka ceribu zvaigzne daudziem trucigajiem un citiem dzives paberniem.