Найти книгу: "Angels of the Lord"

Angels of the Lord Angels of the Lord

Автор: Catherine Odell

Год издания: 0000

“For he commands his angels with regard to you, to guard you wherever you go.” – Psalm 91:11 Scripture is full of references to angels. In fact, Saint Gregory the Great, a sixth-century pope and biblical scholar, reminded the Church, “Nearly every page of Scripture testifies to the fact that there are angels and archangels. “ As Christians, we believe that angels have been given the sacred mission to assist, protect, and guide human beings and all of God’s creation. With Angels of the Lord , you can spend every day of the year getting to know these mighty messengers of God. From day to day, you’ll be fascinated and inspired by:Scripture passages and Church teachings on angelsStories of early martyrs who received courage and consolation from angelsReadings from the Fathers and Doctors of the Church who shaped teaching about angelsAnecdotes about saints who saw and spoke with angelsAccounts of ordinary people who had encounters with angelsTestimonies from great writers, artists, and musicians and their inspiration from angels Angels are our very real and constant companions. They are our invisible but trustworthy mentors. Let them inspire and guide you daily. Week after week, these amazing heavenly creatures will coax you closer to God, to prayer, and the sure knowledge of our Creator’s endless love.
The wisdom of angels concerning divine love and divine wisdom The wisdom of angels concerning divine love and divine wisdom

Автор: Автор не указан

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The wisdom of angels concerning divine love and divine wisdom / translated from the Latin of Emanuel Swedenborg, originally published at Amsterdam, in the year 1763».

Fanyasha: Why Do Angels Need People? Fanyasha: Why Do Angels Need People?

Автор: Marianna Rosset

Год издания: 

A charming baby girl Efania (Fanyasha) is born in a regular family of angels. Her happy and carefree childhood ends when she finds out that a human is going to be born for her soon, and she is supposed to devote all her life to this person. This unusual story of a small, inquisitive angel girl and her family will help you learn not only about the life of heaven’s creatures, but also about the rules of life on Earth and the laws of the Universe.

Handmade soap sweet angels. Baby shower gift ideas Handmade soap sweet angels. Baby shower gift ideas

Автор: Kristina Likarcuka

Год издания: 

Dear Friends, Thank you for purchasing my photo book. I hope you enjoy it! Making some of your own soaps at home can be a really interesting experience. This photo book is going to give you some ideas. Take a look through this photo book and see what you are able to do and make your own personal soaps at home. Kind Regards, Kristina Likarcuka.

East Angels: A Novel East Angels: A Novel

Автор: Woolson Constance Fenimore

Год издания: 

Films and Levels – 3. Humans and Angels Films and Levels – 3. Humans and Angels

Автор: Jacob Feldman

Год издания: 

In this sequel book author analyzes 15 films (1988—2016) with his own instruments of analysis. He uses concept of levels described in the book «Human Being Theory (for Dummies)». You may consider it as a «theory-and-practice of everyday life’s psychological analysis for everybody».