Proprotein Convertases in Gynecological Cancers
Автор: Andres J.P. Klein-Szanto
Год издания: 0000
Horoscope for Cancers – 2018. Russian horoscope
Автор: Александр Невзоров
Год издания:
Horoscopes for each Zodiac sign separately for 2018. Submitted by 7 Topics: Luck, Career, Vacation, Health, Sex, Love and Money. The stars predict that they expect signs in these areas and give advice. Sometimes paradoxical, but always correct based on the real situation. Horoscopes in verse for all signs of the zodiac are published by Alexander Nevzorov annually. Their readership is constantly expanding. Verses of horoscopes of excellent quality and like all.
Horoscope pour les cancers pour 2018. Horoscope russe
Автор: Александр Невзоров
Год издания:
Horoscopes pour chaque signe du zodiaque separement pour 2018. Soumis par 7 Sujets: Chance, Carriere, Vacances, Sante, Sexe, Amour et Argent. Les etoiles predisent qu’elles attendent des panneaux dans ces domaines et donnent des conseils. Parfois paradoxal, mais toujours correct en fonction de la situation actuelle. Les horoscopes en vers pour tous les signes du zodiaque sont publies chaque annee par Alexander Nevzorov. Leurs lectorats se developpent constamment.
The Genetic Basis of Haematological Cancers
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Written by a team of international experts, this book provides an authoritative overview and practical guide to the molecular biology and genetic basis of haematologic cancers including leukemia. Focusing on the importance of cytogenetics and related assays, both as diagnostic tools and as a basis for translational research, this is an invaluable guide for basic and clinical researchers with an interest in medical genetics and haemato-oncology. The Genetic Basis of Haematological Cancers reviews the etiology and significance of genetic and epigenetic defects that occur in malignancies of the haematopoietic system. Some of these chromosomal and molecular aberrations are well established and already embedded in clinical management, while many others have only recently come to light as a result of advances in genomic technology and functional investigation. The book includes seven chapters written by clinical and academic leaders in the field, organised according to haematological malignancy sub-type. Each chapter includes a background on disease pathology and the genetic abnormalities most commonly associated with the condition. Authors present in-depth discussions outlining the biological significance of these lesions in pathogenesis and progression, and their use in diagnosis and monitoring response to therapy. The current or potential role of specific abnormalities as novel therapeutic targets is also discussed. There is also a full colour section containing original FISH, microarrays and immunostaining images.
Vaccines Against Virally Induced Cancers
Автор: Joan Marsh
Год издания:
An interdisciplinary and multinational group of specialists present contributions describing the current status of vaccines against virally induced tumors and discuss the means by which they can be improved.
Gynecological Cancer Management
Автор: Daniel Clarke-Pearson
Год издания:
This concise and practical guide enables the gynecologist to differentiate between benign and malignant gynecologic conditions to determine the best management options for the patient. Over the past three decades, as the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology has matured into a broad and diverse group of skills and disciplines, it has become apparent that there are diagnoses and conditions in gynecologic oncology where the obstetrician-gynecologist has a level of uncertainty, or lack of confidence in his ability or knowledge base to adequately manage the patient and therefore refers the patient to a gynecologic oncologist. This text portrays the advances in the field and reviews the current management of a number of gynaecologic conditions to give the reader the confidence needed to deal with these issues. The distinguides Editors have crafted the book to include: Case vignettes to provide clinical context Pathology notes to aid diagnostic outcomes Management guidance for obgyn practitioners to enable the best outcome for their patients Each topic is introduced with a concise overview followed by case-based scenarios which discuss the specific management of common problems. Providing the general gynecologist with the current clinical information necessary to manage conditions and identify the situations where consultation or referral to a gynecologic oncologist would be in the patient’s best interest.