Horses and Other Animals In Motion. 45 Classic Photographic Sequences
Автор: Muybridge Eadweard
Год издания:
Эта книга - сборник фотографий различных животных в движении. Фотографии сделаны со скоростью 1/2000 секунды, и полученные секвенции кадров представляют собой типичные движения лошадей и других животных на расчерченном вспомогательной сеткой фоне. Большинство секвенций включают снимки с нескольких углов зрения. Лошади показаны в ходьбе, рыси, легком галопе, галопе, тянущими повозку и т.д. Также представлены движения собак, кошек, свиней, слона, козы, птиц и др.
Книга является репринтом издания, выпущенного в 1887 году.
На мой взгляд, будет полезна художникам в качестве референсов при изображении животных.
Mitsubishi Colt / Mitsubishi Colt CZ3 / Mitsubishi Colt CZT from 2004 to 2008 (+ RHD models from 2002), book repair in eBook
Автор: Монолит
Год издания:
Actions in emergency situations
- Engine overheating actions
- Starting the engine from the battery of another car
- Fuse replacement
- Wheel replacement
- Towing a car
Daily checks and troubleshooting
Instruction manual
- General information
- Locking and unlocking locks
- Seats and seat belts
- Instruments and controls
Precautions and safety rules when working on a car
Basic tools, measuring instruments and methods of working with them
- Basic set of necessary tools
- Methods of working with measuring devices
- Technical specifications
- Petrol engines in volume of 1.3 l and 1.5 l (135)
- The petrol engine in volume of 1.5 l (4G1)
- The petrol engine in volume of 1.1 l (134)
- The diesel engine in volume of 1.5 l (639)
- Appendix to chapter
Power system
- Technical specifications
- Petrol engines in volume of 1.3 l and 1.5 l (135)
- The petrol engine in volume of 1.5 l (4G1)
- The diesel engine in volume of 1.5 l (639)
- Fuel supply system
- Appendix to chapter
Lubrication system
- Gasoline engines in volume of 1.3 l, 1.5 l (135) and 1.1 l (134)
- The petrol engine in volume of 1.5 l (4G1)
- The diesel engine in volume of 1.5 l (639)
Cooling system
- Technical specifications
- Basic work
- Thermostat
- Water pump
- Radiator
The intake and exhaust system
- Technical specifications
- Gasoline engines in volume of 1.3 l, 1.5 l (135) and 1.1 l (134)
- The petrol engine in volume of 1.5 l (4G1)
- The diesel engine in volume of 1.5 l (639)
- Technical specifications
- Clutch
- Manual transmission
- Automatic transmission
- Appendix to chapter
Power shafts
- Technical specifications
- Removing and installing
- Disassembly and assembly
- Appendix to chapter
- Technical specifications
- Front suspension
- Rear suspension
- Wheels and tires
- Appendix to chapter
Brake system
- Technical specifications
- Hydraulic drive
- Front brakes
- Rear brakes
- Parking brake
- Appendix to chapter
- Technical specifications
- Steering service
- Steering wheel and steering column
- Steering gear
- Appendix to chapter
- Exterior
- Interior
- Doors
- Glasses
- Luke
- Body dimensions
- Appendix to chapter
Passive safety system
- Description
- Seat belts
- Airbags
- Disposing of system elements
Ventilation, air conditioning and heating system
- Technical specifications
- Heater and ventilation system
- Air conditioning (climate control)
Electrical equipment
- Starting system
- Charging system
- Ignition system (petrol)
- Preheating system (diesel)
- Headlamps
- Audio system
Explanatory dictionary
Models of letters for the use of schools and private students
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Models of letters : for the use od schools and private students : being an epitome of the large 8 volume, entitled, Elegant epistles : and containig Select letters from the best English authors : with many translated from the French, which have never appeared in any miscellaneous collection».
Essai phisique sur l'oeconomie animale
Автор: Francois Quesnay
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Essai phisique sur l'oeconomie animale / par Francois Quesnay».