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Therapeutic Potential of Furin Inhibition Therapeutic Potential of Furin Inhibition

Автор: Jeroen Declercq

Год издания: 0000

Success and Succession. Unlocking Value, Power, and Potential in the Professional Services and Advisory Space Success and Succession. Unlocking Value, Power, and Potential in the Professional Services and Advisory Space

Автор: Eric Hehman

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An insightful look at leadership transition from the successor's perspective Success and Succession examines the leadership transition process from the successor's point of view, and outlines the considerations and strategies that lead to a better future for the business. With a focus on practical planning and execution, this insightful guide provides insight into the strategies that smooth the transition and help the new leadership make better business decisions. You'll learn when and how to start planning, who you need on your team, and the obstacles you should anticipate along the way. You'll learn to navigate the uncertainty the process entails, and how to identify opportunities for reciprocal understanding and adopt workable approaches for successful resolution of a multitude of transition issues. Interviews with those at various stages of transition highlight the real-world application of these ideas, and give you an inside look at what worked, what didn't, and what they wish they had thought of. The transition of leadership in an independent, non-public professional service business can be emotional and difficult for everyone. This book gives you a framework for smoothing the process and driving the best possible future of the business. Consider the complexities of succession and transition Balance conflicting dynamics of outgoing and incoming leadership Plan for operational, financial, and emotional obstacles Develop and execute a winning strategy for long term success The transition from founder to successor is far from an academic exercise, and is not linear. Answers are hard to find, and the ebb and flow of the process requires patience, creativity, and willingness to try again. Success and Succession provides a unique strategy for success, from the perspective of incoming leadership.

Mathematical Mindsets. Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching Mathematical Mindsets. Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching

Автор: Джо Боулер

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Banish math anxiety and give students of all ages a clear roadmap to success Mathematical Mindsets provides practical strategies and activities to help teachers and parents show all children, even those who are convinced that they are bad at math, that they can enjoy and succeed in math. Jo Boaler—Stanford researcher, professor of math education, and expert on math learning—has studied why students don't like math and often fail in math classes. She's followed thousands of students through middle and high schools to study how they learn and to find the most effective ways to unleash the math potential in all students. There is a clear gap between what research has shown to work in teaching math and what happens in schools and at home. This book bridges that gap by turning research findings into practical activities and advice. Boaler translates Carol Dweck's concept of 'mindset' into math teaching and parenting strategies, showing how students can go from self-doubt to strong self-confidence, which is so important to math learning. Boaler reveals the steps that must be taken by schools and parents to improve math education for all. Mathematical Mindsets: Explains how the brain processes mathematics learning Reveals how to turn mistakes and struggles into valuable learning experiences Provides examples of rich mathematical activities to replace rote learning Explains ways to give students a positive math mindset Gives examples of how assessment and grading policies need to change to support real understanding Scores of students hate and fear math, so they end up leaving school without an understanding of basic mathematical concepts. Their evasion and departure hinders math-related pathways and STEM career opportunities. Research has shown very clear methods to change this phenomena, but the information has been confined to research journals—until now. Mathematical Mindsets provides a proven, practical roadmap to mathematics success for any student at any age.

Laddering. Unlocking the Potential of Consumer Behavior Laddering. Unlocking the Potential of Consumer Behavior

Автор: Eric Holtzclaw V.

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Marketing and product development best practices for a fragmented economy The rules for marketing and product development have changed forever. You no longer control where and how consumers receive marketing messages. The consumer is in charge, with ever-growing choices and a shrinking decision window. Therefore, it is crucial to understand what drives customer behavior to design products, marketing, and experiences that will succeed. Laddering explains how to better understand your customers' core values. Learn to ask the right questions from your customers, use it to analyze your data, and unlock the true potential of your product or service. Use Laddering techniques to map your customer's DNA and understand why consumers buy from you. Helps you look at your customers in a new way and as a result maximize your profits and reduce your support costs Provides a framework for evaluating what marketing messages, campaigns and experiences are appropriate Author Eric V. Holtzclaw is CEO and founder of User Insight, a user experience research firm and Laddering Works, a marketing strategy and consulting firm. His weekly radio show, The 'Better You' Project, shines a spotlight on entrepreneurs' business journeys, his column Lean Forward appears weekly on INC.com and he is regularly contributor to CMO.com. You must understand what is truly important in order to build relationships with consumers and to market for success in the new many-to-many economy. Laddering offers the tools and knowledge you need to thrive.

Implementing Beyond Budgeting. Unlocking the Performance Potential Implementing Beyond Budgeting. Unlocking the Performance Potential

Автор: Bjarte Bogsnes

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The future of management is here! Traditional management was invented for very different times and is today in serious trouble. The level of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity in business environments is record high. People’s expectations towards their employers and leaders have also radically changed. A number of organizations are exploring management innovation that can help them not just coping but thriving and out-performing in these new and different realities. Beyond Budgeting may be the most important new idea out there addressing these radical changes, due to its broad scope and coherent approach. Abolishing the traditional, detailed annual budget is necessary, but not sufficient. Organizations on the journey are questioning their old leadership beliefs and are tearing up their old command-and-control management models, with “agile” and “human” as the foundation for a new start. Implementing Beyond Budgeting is both a theoretical introduction and a practical guide to bringing such a more empowered and adaptive management model to life. Drawing on the author’s twenty years of Beyond Budgeting experience, this book not only demonstrates the serious problems with traditional management through numerous practical examples. It also follows several companies on their Beyond Budgeting journey, including Scandinavia’s largest company Statoil where the author has been heading up implementation since 2005. You'll get a first-hand glimpse at the reality of transitioning a large multinational company, and gain a real-world perspective on what successful implementation entails. This new second edition has been significantly revised and expanded. It covers the amazing development of the Beyond Budgeting movement and how the Statoil implementation journey has continued since the first edition of this book was published in 2009, sustaining major events like for instance the 2015 oil price crash. A new chapter on “Beyond Budgeting and Agile” has also been added. New implementation experiences, great new case stories, new management innovation examples and management metaphors (traffic controls!) are introduced, as well as the author’s latest reflections on a range of management issues including target setting, forecasting, performance evaluation and incentives.

Driven. A How-to Strategy for Unlocking Your Greatest Potential Driven. A How-to Strategy for Unlocking Your Greatest Potential

Автор: Razi Imam

Год издания: 

The extraordinary system for changing your life and the lives of others If you've ever felt there must be more to the daily grind, something so powerful that even while caught in the struggles of day-to-day life you want to achieve something far bigger, Driven is for you. By revealing a powerful method for solving business problems, Driven introduces you to a powerful motivation philosophy, by which you experience a pure inspiration or vision, plan out your action with the clarity of sixth sight, hone your concentration and focus, and triumph in bringing about colossal changes in both your life and the lives of others. In this revolutionary guide you'll find Techniques to transform your motivation into a constant state of being Leverage your new awareness into concrete goals and achievements, such as building a Fortune 500 company Timeless wisdom to weather and thrive If you're willing to go beyond the ordinary in your life and business, then you're ready for the deeply enhancing concepts and techniques contained in Driven. Have you ever wondered why and how some of us have the unique ability to dream incredible goals? How seemingly ordinary people among us influence and change the lives of millions of people. What drives them to conquer every human limitation, from breaking the sound barrier to landing a man on the moon. Driven introduces you to Junoon, a powerful Eastern motivational method, by which you experience a pure inspiration or vision, plan out your action with the clarity of sixth sight, hone your concentration and focus, and triumph in bringing about colossal changes in your life and the lives of others. To live within the state of Junoon is to concentrate passionately on realizing your mission and transcending day-to-day, human motivation to a degree that seems impossible to those around you. Being in this state coalesces and magnifies your ordinary strength of will and determination, and turns you into a person who rises to challenges in ways that others can’t even imagine. You hold nothing back!