Найти книгу: "Genetics of Epilepsy and Refractory Epilepsy"

Genetics of Epilepsy and Refractory Epilepsy Genetics of Epilepsy and Refractory Epilepsy

Автор: Alberto Lazarowski

Год издания: 0000

Mental Disorders in Epilepsy Mental Disorders in Epilepsy

Автор: B. A. Kazakovtsev

Год издания: 

The monograph shows the opportunity to study the pathogenesis of mental disorders in epilepsy based on the characteristics of its fl ow using clinical methods, structural dynamic, epidemiological and statistical analysis. Structural and dynamic analysis of the major clinical manifestations of the disease (features of personality changes, paroxysmal disorders, psychotic symptoms, dementia) held in accordance with the main patterns of development of the disease, its types and stages. On the basis of the multi-axial classifi cation of epilepsy was developed a model that allows in a retrospective analysis of an-amnestic data and clinical assessment to establish clinical and social criteria for prognosis prediction.

The Methods and Scope of Genetics The Methods and Scope of Genetics

Автор: Bateson William

Год издания: 

A Statistical Inquiry Into the Nature and Treatment of Epilepsy A Statistical Inquiry Into the Nature and Treatment of Epilepsy

Автор: Bennett Alexander Hughes

Год издания: 

Genetics For Dummies Genetics For Dummies

Автор: Tara Rodden Robinson

Год издания: 

A plain-English guide to genetics Want to know more about genetics? This non-intimidating guide gets you up to speed on all the fundamentals and the most recent discoveries. Now with 25% new and revised material, Genetics For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you clear and accessible coverage of this rapidly advancing field. From dominant and recessive inherited traits to the DNA double-helix, you get clear explanations in easy-to-understand terms. Plus, you'll see how people are applying genetic science to fight disease, develop new products, solve crimes . . . and even clone cats. Covers topics in a straightforward and effective manner Includes coverage of stem cell research, molecular genetics, behavioral genetics, genetic engineering, and more Explores ethical issues as they pertain to the study of genetics Whether you?re currently enrolled in a genetics course or are just looking for a refresher, Genetics For Dummies, 2nd Edition provides science lovers of all skill levels with easy-to-follow information on this fascinating subject.

Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses. Applications and Perspectives Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses. Applications and Perspectives

Автор: Anne Bridgen

Год издания: 

Reverse genetics, the genetic manipulation of RNA viruses to create a wild-type or modified virus, has led to important advances in our understanding of viral gene function and interaction with host cells. Since many severe viral human and animal pathogens are RNA viruses, including those responsible for polio, measles, rotaviral diarrhoea and influenza infections, it is also an extremely powerful technique with important potential application for the prevention and control of a range of human and animal viral diseases. Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses provides a comprehensive account of the very latest developments in reverse genetics of RNA viruses through a wide range of applications within each of the core virus groups including; positive sense, negative sense and double stranded RNA viruses. Written by a team of international experts in the field, it provides a unique insight into how the field has developed, what problems are being addressed now and where applications may lead in the future. It will prove invaluable to bioscience, medical and veterinary students, those starting research in this area as well as other researchers and teachers needing to update their knowledge of this fast-moving field. An authoritative, comprehensive overview of reverse genetics in RNA Viruses. Includes numerous examples of cutting- edge applications of reverse genetics within each of the RNA viral groups. Written by a team of international experts, including some of the leading researchers in the field.