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Retinal Glia Retinal Glia

Автор: Andreas Reichenbach

Год издания: 0000

Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes. Diagnosis and Management Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes. Diagnosis and Management

Автор: Batey Deborah

Год издания: 

Beginning with chapters summarizing the basics of diabetic retinopathy, this updated volume outlines the need for screening, how to screen safely and correctly, and the normal condition of the retina without diabetic retinopathy, all using excellent line and halftone illustrations. The core focus then moves on to examining each different form of retinopathy, all supported by outstanding color retinal photographs illustrating the appearance of the retina at various stages of retinopathy, plus an analysis on the best treatment for each stage. The book ends with chapters providing self-assessment questions of the type that screeners will encounter when gaining their now mandatory retinal screening qualifications, as well as a background information chapter offering advice on related UK, European, and US organizations. A website contains all the full-color retinopathy images from the book, with the option to download these into presentations.

Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

This book, a successor to the highly popular Practical Guide to Polaroid Retinal Photography, describes the essential components of a retinopathy screening programme, including the criteria for referral to an ophthalmologist, drawing upon the experience of the Newcastle system over the last two decades and the National Screening Committee Report upon Eye screening. It is fully illustrated, featuring a new set of 50 digital colour photographs, showing the normal retina and problems associated with diabetes, with explanatory text. «[T]he first concise textbook on retinal screening… well structured and written… provide[s] excellent background reading to those entering the new profession of retinal screening.» PRACTICAL DIABETES INTERNATIONAL

Retinal Dystrophies Retinal Dystrophies

Автор: Gerry Chader

Год издания: 

Retinal dystrophies are the major causes of incurable blindness in the Western world. Our insight into their aetiology has improved remarkably over the past decade and a number of key genes have been identified. Together with a more detailed understanding of disease processes, this knowledge is stimulating new approaches to therapeutic strategies involving gene therapy, growth factors and retinal cell transplantation. Molecular genetic studies have provided detailed information on the pathogenesis of retinal dystrophies. An important proof of principle that gene therapy holds great promise for the treatment of these conditions was demonstrated in the rds mouse: introduction of a functional copy of the peripherin gene subretinally resulted in complete rescue of rod outer segment structure. Novel approaches are being developed based on the manipulation of biochemical pathways that previously were not considered relevant to these diseases. For example, renewed interest in retinal dystrophy pathogenesis led to the successful use of high dose vitamin A treatment in Sorsby fundus dystrophy. This important new book covers all aspects of retinal dystrophies from the molecular and developmental biology of these disorders to possible therapeutic approaches, with special reference to gene therapy. Specific chapters deal with the molecular genetics of gene therapies, clinical genetic studies, molecular and cellular mechanisms of the development of the disease, functional genomics of retinal diseases, animal models of retinal dystrophies, and finally with studies on gene therapeutic approaches to correcting the disorder. With contributions by many of the leading researchers worldwide, this book is likely to be an important milestone in this rapidly developing field.