Is It the 'Same' Result
Автор: Allan Franklin
Год издания: 0000
Replication, the independent confirmation of experimental results and conclusions, is regarded as the «gold standard» in science. This book examines the question of successful or failed replications and demonstrates that that question is not always easy to answer. It presents clear examples of successful replications, the discoveries of the Higgs boson and of gravity waves. Failed replications include early experiments on the Fifth Force, a proposed modification of Newton's Law of universal gravitation, and the measurements of «G,» the constant in that law. Other case studies illustrate some of the difficulties and complexities in deciding whether a replication is successful or failed. It also discusses how that question has been answered. These studies include the «discovery» of the pentaquark in the early 2000s and the continuing search for neutrinoless double beta decay. It argues that although successful replication is the goal of scientific experimentation, it is not always easily achieved.
100 Ways to Motivate Others: How Great Leaders Can Produce Insane Results Without Driving People Crazy
Автор: Scott Richardson
Год издания:
This new edition includes fresh insights into communication and rapid decision-making, the importance of personal self-leadership and physical energy, and exciting new methods for enrolling clients and selling to customers in service-oriented ways that leave behind the old paradigm of manipulation and persuasion.
The authors will help you learn:
• How to slow down and enjoy a new level of focus.
• How to build on your peoples' strengths.
• A simple and creative way to hold people accountable.
• How to enjoy cultivating the art of supportive confrontation.
Это новое издание поможет вам по-новому взглянуть на свои коммуникации и вашу способность быстро принимать решения, а также важность личного лидерства и физической энергии.
Авторы помогут вам узнать:
• как замедлить или ускорить процесс работы и повысить внимание к деталям.
• как построить корпоративную этику, корпоративный дух и прочие составляющие ответственного коллектива.
• как воспитать ответственность и любовь к работе у ваших сотрудников.
• как с помощью искусства конфронтации добиться от подчиненных максимальных результатов в короткие сроки.
Motivation is at 110%. How to quickly achieve results
Автор: Mick Johnson
Год издания:
This training will help you increase your success at least 2 times. That is, if you earned one hundred thousand – will earn two hundred. It should be noted that the simplicity of presentation, the author submits the material is admirable. The training pays for all costs within the first day of active work. Be more successful with training Mick Johnson.
Actionable Intelligence. A Guide to Delivering Business Results with Big Data Fast!
Автор: Clifford Siegel
Год издания:
Building an analysis ecosystem for a smarter approach to intelligence Keith Carter's Actionable Intelligence: A Guide to Delivering Business Results with Big Data Fast! is the comprehensive guide to achieving the dream that business intelligence practitioners have been chasing since the concept itself came into being. Written by an IT visionary with extensive global supply chain experience and insight, this book describes what happens when team members have accurate, reliable, usable, and timely information at their fingertips. With a focus on leveraging big data, the book provides expert guidance on developing an analytical ecosystem to effectively manage, use the internal and external information to deliver business results. This book is written by an author who's been in the trenches for people who are in the trenches. It's for practitioners in the real world, who know delivering results is easier said than done – fraught with failure, and difficult politics. A landscape where reason and passion are needed to make a real difference. This book lays out the appropriate way to establish a culture of fact-based decision making, innovation, forward looking measurements, and appropriate high-speed governance. Readers will enable their organization to: Answer strategic questions faster Reduce data acquisition time and increase analysis time to improve outcomes Shift the focus to positive results rather than past failures Expand opportunities by more effectively and thoughtfully leveraging information Big data makes big promises, but it cannot deliver without the right recipe of people, processes and technology in place. It's about choosing the right people, giving them the right tools, and taking a thoughtful—rather than formulaic–approach. Actionable Intelligence provides expert guidance toward envisioning, budgeting, implementing, and delivering real benefits.
Leading with Strategic Thinking. Four Ways Effective Leaders Gain Insight, Drive Change, and Get Results
Автор: B. Simerson Keith
Год издания:
Be a more effective leader with strategic thinking Leading with Strategic Thinking reveals what effective leaders do differently. Eschewing the one-size-fits-all leadership model, this helpful guide outlines four general leadership types and demonstrates how each type achieves success – whether through personal vision, structured process, collaboration, or by empowering others. The authors identify the actions and skills that distinguish strategic leadership, drawn from interviews and focus groups with over three hundred leaders from around the world. Examples and case studies illustrate these concepts in action, and the provided reference materials steer readers toward more advanced information on this important topic. The disruptive forces of technology and globalization raise new challenges for leaders. This book is a manual that will help executives and aspiring leaders harness these forces and address the two central questions of strategic leadership: How do the best leaders develop their strategy? How do effective leaders drive strategic change? Becoming a strategic leader isn’t about mimicking an icon. The most effective leaders seize opportunity in a way that consciously integrates environmental requirements, stakeholder expectations, and personal ability. Leading with Strategic Thinking shows what these leaders do, and gives anyone the tools to be a more strategic leader.
How To Be Great At Doing Good. Why Results Are What Count and How Smart Charity Can Change the World
Автор: Nick Cooney
Год издания:
Get ready to question everything you’ve been told about charity, and to find out how you can truly succeed at making the world a better place. Many of us donate to charitable causes, and millions more work or volunteer for non-profit organizations. Yet virtually none of us have been taught what it means to succeed at doing good, let alone how to do so. In short, we’ve never been encouraged to treat charity with the seriousness and rigor it deserves. How to be Great at Doing Good is a complacency-shattering guidebook for anyone who wants to actually change the world, whether as a donor, a volunteer, or a non-profit staffer. Drawing on eye-opening studies in psychology and human behavior, surprising interviews with philanthropy professionals, and the author’s fifteen years of experience founding and managing top-rated non-profits, this book is an essential read for anyone who wants to do more good with their time and money. Find out how Bill Gates and a team of MIT grads are saving thousands of lives by applying business principles to charity work – and how we can too Peer inside our brains as we donate, and discover how the same chemical forces that make us crave junk food and sex can steer us toward bad charity decisions See why following our passion and doing what we’re good at can actually doom our efforts to improve the world Learn how two seemingly identical charities can have jaw-dropping differences in impact, and find out how to pick the best one when donating Sure to generate controversy among non-profits and philanthropists who prefer business as usual, How to be Great at Doing Good reveals that a more calculated, effective approach to charity work isn’t just possible – it’s absolutely necessary for those who want to succeed at changing the world.