A Death at Crooked Creek
Автор: Marianne Wesson
Год издания: 0000
"This is anextraordinary and ground-breaking book, a wonderfully creative mix of fact andtheory, imagination and drama. Anyone with an interest in law, history, or, forthat matter, great storytelling will fall in love with A Death at Crooked Creek. The startling origin of the complex'intention exception' to the hearsay evidence rule becomes canvas on which agrand and marvelously detailed tale is told. This is modern narrative at itsbest: a marriage of spectacular writing and hard, documented truth presented bya brilliant author who doubles as a gifted and fastidious legal scholar andhistorian." —Andrew Popper,American University One winter night in1879, at a lonely Kansas campsite near Crooked Creek, a man was shot to death.The dead man’s traveling companion identified him as John Hillmon, a cowboyfrom Lawrence who had been attempting to carve out a life on the blusteryprairie. The case might have been soon forgotten and the apparent widow, SallieHillmon, left to mourn—except for the $25,000 life insurance policies Hillmonhad taken out shortly before his departure. The insurance companies refused topay on the policies, claiming that the dead man was not John Hillmon, andSallie was forced to take them to court in a case that would reach the SupremeCourt twice. The companies’ case rested on a crucial piece of evidence: a fadedlove letter written by a disappeared cigarmaker, declaring his intent to travelwestward with a “man named Hillmon.” In A Death atCrooked Creek, Marianne Wesson re-examines the long-neglected evidence inthe case of the Kansas cowboy and his wife, recreating the court scenes thatled to a significant Supreme Court ruling on the admissibility of hearsayevidence. Wesson employs modern forensic methods to examine the body of thedead man, attempting to determine his true identity and finally put thisfascinating mystery to rest. This engaging andvividly imagined work combines the drama, intrigue, and emotion of excellentstorytelling with cutting-edge forensic investigation techniques and legaltheory. Wesson’s superbly imagined A Death at Crooked Creek willhave general readers, history buffs, and legal scholars alike wondering whetherhistory, and the Justices, may have misunderstood altogether the events at thatbleak winter campsite.
The Masque of the Red Death
Автор: Эдгар Аллан По
Год издания:
In "The Masque of the Red Death" Edgar Allan Poe writes as no one else ever has of creeping, mounting terrors – of the deadly approach of a terrible pendulum, of the awful end of an ancient and noble house, and of the impossible beating of a dead heart.
Memoirs of the house of Brandenburg from the earliest accounts, to the death of Frederic I. king of Prussia
Автор: Friedrich II
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Memoirs of the house of Brandenburg from the earliest accounts, to the death of Frederic I. king of Prussia : to which are added four dissertations 1. On manners, customs, industry, and the progress of the human understanding in the arts and sciences ; 2. On superstitions and religion ; 3. On the ancient and modern government of Brandenburg ; 4. On the reasons for the enacting and repealing of laws / by the present king of Prussia (Friedrich II)».
The power of religion on the mind in retirement, affliction and at the approach of death
Автор: Lindley Murray
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The power of religion on the mind in retirement, affliction and at the approach of death : exemplified in the testimonies and experience of persons distinguished by their greatness, learning, or virtue / by Lindley Murray».
The history of England, from the revolution in 1688 to the death of George the Second. Vol. 2
Автор: Tobias George Smollett
Год издания:
Примечание: История Англии от революции 1688 года до смерти Георга II Полный вариант заголовка: «The history of England, from the revolution in 1688 to the death of George the Second : Designed as a continuation of mr. Hume's History : In 4 vol. Vol. 2».
The history of England, from the revolution in 1688 to the death of George the Second. Vol. 3
Автор: Tobias George Smollett
Год издания:
Примечание: История Англии от революции 1688 года до смерти Георга II Полный вариант заголовка: «The history of England, from the revolution in 1688 to the death of George the Second : Designed as a continuation of mr. Hume's History : In 4 vol. Vol. 3».