Найти книгу: "The Dilemma of Context"

The Dilemma of Context The Dilemma of Context

Автор: Ben-Ami Scharfstein

Год издания: 0000

In The Dilemma of Context , Scharfstein contends that the problems encountered with context are insoluble. He explains why this problem lays an intellectual burden on us that, while remaining inescapable,can become so heavy it destroys the understandingit was created to further.
Second Language Learning in the Early School Years: Trends and Contexts Second Language Learning in the Early School Years: Trends and Contexts

Автор: Victoria A. Murphy

Год издания: 

Provides a much-needed overview of current themes and research on child second language learning.

Генеральный директор агентства контекстной рекламы iConText Мария Черницкая Генеральный директор агентства контекстной рекламы iConText Мария Черницкая

Автор: Максим Спиридонов

Год издания: 

Мария Черницкая – о текущем состоянии российского рынка контекстной рекламы и его будущем, об агентстве iConText и его бизнесе, о том, почему автоматизированные системы продвижения не заменят менеджеров с головой, почему PR в интернете лучше, чем SEO, и о различиях в рекламных технологиях между Россией и Западом. Интервью с гостьей: – Как дипломированному филологу удалось стать видной фигурой в интернет-бизнесе? – Как Mail.ru начал превращаться в гигантскую корпорацию и почему Lycos проиграл битву за рынок? – Конкурентная среда в контекстной рекламе. Кто выживет на рынке? – Автоматизированные системы или менеджеры с головой? – «<Российские сервисы контекстной рекламы> – домашние поделки на фоне того, что умеют делать западные системы». – «Битва за первые места в поисковой выдаче скорее „пузомерка” и борьба за имиджевое присутствие. К эффективности затрат она не имеет никакого отношения». – Как будет развиваться контекстная реклама в социальных сетях?

Optimizing the Aging, Retirement, and Pensions Dilemma Optimizing the Aging, Retirement, and Pensions Dilemma

Автор: Marida Bertocchi

Год издания: 

A straightforward guide focused on life cycle investing-namely aging, retirement, and pensions Life cycle investing and the implications of aging, retirement, and pensions continues to grow in importance. With people living longer, the relative and absolute number of retirees is growing while the number of workers contributing to pension funds is declining. This reliable resource develops a detailed economic analysis-at the micro (individual) and macro (economy wide) levels-which addresses issues regarding the economics of an aging population. Topics touched upon include retirement and the associated health care funding of the aged as well as social security and the asset classes that are considered asset-liability choices over time. The probability of achieving adequate return patterns from various investment strategies and asset classes is reviewed Shares rich insights on the aging, retirement, and pensions dilemma An assessment of the resources the real economy will be able to commit to non-workers is provided The three pillars of retirement are social security, company pensions, and private savings. Each of these pillars is confronted with a variety of asset-liability problems, and this book will addresses them.

The Leader's Dilemma. How to Build an Empowered and Adaptive Organization Without Losing Control The Leader's Dilemma. How to Build an Empowered and Adaptive Organization Without Losing Control

Автор: Jeremy Hope

Год издания: 

Drawing on their work on performance management within the ‘beyond budgeting’ movement over the past ten years, including many interviews and case studies, Jeremy Hope, Peter Bunce and Franz Roosli set out in this book an executive guide to building a new management model based on eight key change management issues: 1. Governance: From rules and budgets to purpose and values 2. Success: From fixed targets to relative improvement 3. Organization: From centralized functions to customer-oriented teams 4. Accountability: From narrow targets to holistic success criteria 5. Trust: From central control to local autonomy 6. Transparency: From closed information to open book management 7. Rewards: From individual incentives to team-based reward 8. Risk: From complying with rules to understanding pressure points This book is about rethinking how we manage organizations in a post-industrial, post credit crunch world where innovative management models represent the only remaining source of sustainable competitive advantage.[i] The changes suggested by the authors will enable and encourage a cultural climate change that will help organizations to attract and keep the best people as well as drive continuous innovation and growth. Above all, The CEO's Dilemma is about learning how to change business – based on best practice and innovation drawn from leaders world-wide who have built and managed successful organizations.

Dealing with Dilemmas. Where Business Analytics Fall Short Dealing with Dilemmas. Where Business Analytics Fall Short

Автор: Frank Buytendijk

Год издания: 

Observing how business management is obsessed with analysis and numbers, Dealing with Dilemmas shows there is an entire class of problems that cannot be solved by analysis: business dilemmas. Dilemmas, representing a large part of strategic decision-making, require the opposite approach of analysis; synthesis. Dealing with Dilemmas shows how popular performance management methodologies can be used in new and previously unexplored ways. It authoritatively shows you how your business can move forward strategically in ways previously impossible. Shows dangers in current thinking around analytics and performance management Includes practical case examples and interviews with C-level executives and government officials world-wide, both in commercial enterprise and public sector Makes the most nebulous of management processes, strategy formulation, insightful and links it tightly to strategy execution and performance management. Filled with case studies and examples, this book reveals how your business can start solving dilemmas and move forward strategically.