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Loving Justice Loving Justice

Автор: Kathryn D. Temple

Год издания: 0000

A history of legal emotions in William Blackstone’s England and their relationship to justice William Blackstone’s masterpiece, Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765–1769), famously took the “ungodly jumble” of English law and transformed it into an elegant and easily transportable four-volume summary. Soon after publication, the work became an international monument not only to English law, but to universal English concepts of justice and what Blackstone called “the immutable laws of good and evil.” Most legal historians regard the Commentaries as a brilliant application of Enlightenment reasoning to English legal history. Loving Justice contends that Blackstone’s work extends beyond making sense of English law to invoke emotions such as desire, disgust, sadness, embarrassment, terror, tenderness, and happiness. By enlisting an affective aesthetics to represent English law as just, Blackstone created an evocative poetics of justice whose influence persists across the Western world. In doing so, he encouraged readers to feel as much as reason their way to justice. Ultimately, Temple argues that the Commentaries offers a complex map of our affective relationship to juridical culture, one that illuminates both individual and communal understandings of our search for justice, and is crucial for understanding both justice and injustice today.
De la justice criminelle en France De la justice criminelle en France

Автор: Alphonse Marc Marceline Thomas Berenger

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «De la justice criminelle en France : d'apres les lois permanemtes, les lois d'exception, et les doctrines des tribunaux / par M. Berenger».

Justice For All: Вся правда о группе «Metallica» Justice For All: Вся правда о группе «Metallica»

Автор: Джоэл Макайвер

Год издания: 

Уникальная пошаговая реконструкция славного пути главной металлической группы планеты. Все, что нужно знать о «Metallica», – в блестящем исследовании известного музыкального критика и настоящего металлиста Джоэла Макайвера.

An Appeal to Honour and Justice, Though It Be of His Worst Enemies. An Appeal to Honour and Justice, Though It Be of His Worst Enemies.

Автор: Даниэль Дефо

Год издания: 

Justice Justice

Автор: Tim Vicary

Год издания: 

A level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library graded readers. Written for Learners of English by Tim Vicary. London: November. Terrorists blow up the Queen’s coach outside Parliament. The Queen escapes, but five people are killed, and forty others badly hurt – ordinary, innocent people, like Alan Cole, the Queen’s coachman, who loses his leg in the bombing. And for Alan and his daughter Jane there is more terror to come, in the search for the truth behind the bombing. Will the terrorists be caught and brought to justice? But what kind of justice? What can give Alan Cole his leg back, or give life back to people who have been blown to pieces by a bomb?

The Award of Justice; Or, Told in the Rockies: A Pen Picture of the West The Award of Justice; Or, Told in the Rockies: A Pen Picture of the West

Автор: Barbour Anna Maynard

Год издания: