The Democracy Deficit
Автор: Alfred C. Aman, Jr.
Год издания: 0000
Economic globalization has had a chilling effect on democracy since markets now do some of the work that governments used to do through the political process. More than two decades of deregulation have made a healthy economy appear to depend on unrestrained markets. But appearances are misleading—globalization is also a legal and political process. The future of democracy in the twenty-first century depends on the ability of citizens to reclaim a voice in taming globalization through domestic politics and law reform. «The book's topic could not be more important: how do we adapt contemporary democratic governance- and contemporary administrative law- to the challenge of a globalizing world?»—Kal Raustiala, UCLA School of Law Can citizens govern globalization? Aman argues that they can, and that domestic law has a crucial role to play in this process. He proposes to redefine the legal distinction between public and private to correspond to the realities of the new role of the private sector in delivering public services, and thereby to bring crucial sectors of globalization back within the scope of democratic reform. Basing his argument on the history of the policies that led to globalization, and the current policies that sustain it, Aman advocates specific reforms meant to increase private citizens' influence on globalization. He looks at particular problem areas usually thought to be domestic in nature, such as privatization, prisons, prescription drugs, and the minimum wage, as well as constitutional structural issues such as federalism and separation of powers.
The ADHD Book of Lists. A Practical Guide for Helping Children and Teens with Attention Deficit Disorders
Автор: Sandra Rief F.
Год издания:
Practical ADHD management techniques for parents and teachers The ADHD Book of Lists is a comprehensive guide to ADHD/ADD, providing the answers parents, teachers, and other caregivers seek in a convenient list format. This new second edition has been updated with the latest research findings and resources, including the most up to date tools and strategies for helping these children succeed. Each aspect of ADHD/ADD is fully explained, from diagnosis to intervention, providing readers with the insight they need to make the best choices for the affected child. Coverage includes the latest medications and behavioral management techniques that work inside and outside the classroom, plus guidance toward alleviating individual struggles including inattention, impulsivity, executive function and subject-specific academic issues. Readers learn how to create a collaborative care team by bringing parents, teachers, doctors, therapists, and counselors on board to build a comprehensive management plan, as well as the practical techniques they can use every day to provide these children the support they need to be their very best. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder cannot be cured, but it can be managed successfully. This book is an insightful guide to supporting children and teens with ADHD, and giving them the mental, emotional, and practical tools that boost their confidence and abilities and enable them to thrive. Investigate comprehensive treatments, including ADHD coaching Learn strategies for strengthening organization, working memory and other executive functions. Understand effective classroom management of students with ADHD Discover ways to help struggling children succeed despite the challenges The ADHD Book of Lists is the complete easy-to-reference guide to practical ADHD management and will be a go-to resource for parents, teachers, clinicians, and others involved in the care and education of students with ADHD.
Healing the Heart of Democracy. The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit
Автор: Parker Palmer J.
Год издания:
Hope for American democracy in an era of deep divisions In Healing the Heart of Democracy, Parker J. Palmer quickens our instinct to seek the common good and gives us the tools to do it. This timely, courageous and practical work—intensely personal as well as political—is not about them, «those people» in Washington D.C., or in our state capitals, on whom we blame our political problems. It's about us, «We the People,» and what we can do in everyday settings like families, neighborhoods, classrooms, congregations and workplaces to resist divide-and-conquer politics and restore a government «of the people, by the people, for the people.» In the same compelling, inspiring prose that has made him a bestselling author, Palmer explores five «habits of the heart» that can help us restore democracy's foundations as we nurture them in ourselves and each other: An understanding that we are all in this together An appreciation of the value of «otherness» An ability to hold tension in life-giving ways A sense of personal voice and agency A capacity to create community Healing the Heart of Democracy is an eloquent and empowering call for «We the People» to reclaim our democracy. The online journal Democracy & Education called it «one of the most important books of the early 21st Century.» And Publishers Weekly, in a Starred Review, said «This beautifully written book deserves a wide audience that will benefit from discussing it.»
Debt, Deficits, and the Demise of the American Economy
Автор: Jeff Cox
Год издания:
What investors can do to protect their investments in the next phase of the ongoing global economic collapse The United States is heading toward an unavoidable financial catastrophe that will paralyze the markets and the overall economy in ways never before seen. Some call this impending economic catastrophe a double-dip recession, others a financial Armageddon. Regardless of what it's called, it is too late to stop it. Debts, Deficits, and the Demise of the American Economy is a look at how we got here, how the crisis is unfolding, and how it will end with a stock market crash in 2012, if not sooner. Takes you through the unraveling of the collapse, starting with a wave of sovereign debt defaults in Europe Predicts a stock market decline of two to three thousand points, a run on banks resulting in a major bank crisis, and rampant inflation Provides investment strategies, including alternative investments such as timber, farm land, and oil Offers a detailed proposal to get the United States out of the crisis Debts, Deficits, and the Demise of the American Economy is a must-read, play-by-play account of the worldwide depression that is likely to unfold in the coming years.