Найти книгу: "Technologized Images, Technologized Bodies"

Technologized Images, Technologized Bodies Technologized Images, Technologized Bodies

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 0000

Guide to self-repairing car bodies, in eBook Guide to self-repairing car bodies, in eBook

Автор: Монолит

Год издания: 



  • Body / frame and body structure
  • General information about replacing body panels
  • Safety first
  • Caring for paint
  • Recovery
  • Antirust treatment and priming
Overview of damage types and their recovery
  • Determination of severity of damage
  • The choice between repair and replacement
Tools and equipment
  • Tools and equipment
  • Equipment
Elimination of minor body damage
  • Eliminating scratches from paintwork
  • Elimination of minor dents
  • Restoration of areas exposed to minor corrosion
  • Repair of plastic body parts
Restoring a body that has serious damage
  • Types of tin work
  • Putties
  • Correction of significant corrosion damage
  • Glass fiber recovery methods
  • Correcting the stiffness of the bearing body by stretching
Replacement of body panels
  • Introduction
  • Body parts fastened on bolts
  • Welded panels
  • Adhesive body elements
  • Coupling of body panels
Preparing for painting
  • Preparation of old paint
  • Removing paintwork preparing for painting
  • Application of primer
  • Masking panels
Body painting
  • Painting equipment
  • Maintenance of the spray gun
  • Types of paint
  • Staining procedure
  • Prophylaxis and a technique of elimination of the defects arising at painting and drying
Doors and glasses
  • Replacement and adjustment of doors
  • Repair, replacement and installation of glasses
Facing and body accessories
  • General information
  • Removing and installing body linings and accessories
  • Removing and installing outdoor lighting
  • Removing and installing emblems and moldings
  • General information
  • Types of welding
  • Welding with a consumable electrode in shielding gas
  • Oxygen-acetylene welding
  • Soldering
A dictionary of terms used in the performance of body repair

Quotes and Images From the Works of John Galsworthy Quotes and Images From the Works of John Galsworthy

Автор: Джон Голсуорси

Год издания: 

Quotes and Images from Celebrated Crimes Quotes and Images from Celebrated Crimes

Автор: Александр Дюма

Год издания: 

Visual Marketing. 99 Proven Ways for Small Businesses to Market with Images and Design Visual Marketing. 99 Proven Ways for Small Businesses to Market with Images and Design

Автор: David Langton

Год издания: 

Effective creative strategies and campaigns for business owners or marketers Whether it's on the Web, in a book, or live in-person, the most effective solutions are those that unexpectedly grab our attention. David Langton and Anita Campbell identify eye-catching and thought-provoking marketing and PR tips, ideas, and creative «stunts.» This compendium of winning ideas will inspire small business leaders, creative professionals, and students. Award-winning visual communication designer David Langton has worked for a range of businesses from Fortune 500 leaders to small businesses. Anita Campbell, an internationally known small business expert, reaches over 2 million small business owners and stakeholders annually. Through case studies, photos, and illustrations, Visual Marketing displays creative marketing campaigns that brought attention to small businesses in unique, compelling, and unexpected ways. Online visual marketing solutions may include apps, interactive games tools and modules; infographics; HTML emails / e-newsletters; widgets; YouTube videos; flash animation; social networking campaigns; websites, weblets, mini-sites; blogs; podcasts / MP3s; projected signage; PowerPoint / keynote presentations In print solutions may include brochures, flyers; annual reports; books; direct mail, post cards; newsletters; invitations; letters; press releases; infographics On-site, giveaways, exhibit, and tradeshow solutions may include live events and performances; signs; billboards; exhibits; banners; tent cards; posters; plasmas screens; kiosks; giveaways: tchotchkes, t-shirts, tote bags, etc.; floor graphics/vinyl graphic wraps With Visual Marketing, you'll discover 99 powerful strategies for capturing the attention of your potential customers.

Photo Inspiration. Secrets Behind Stunning Images Photo Inspiration. Secrets Behind Stunning Images

Автор:  1x.com

Год издания: 

The inspiration you need to help improve your photography skills Well-known for their stunning world-class photography, 1x.com has worked with their most talented photographers to handpick 100 awe-inspiring images and provided the back-story and photographer's secrets that helped capture them. This book presents you with inspiration as well as underlying techniques that can help improve your photography skills immediately. Shares behind-the-scene stories of the featured photos from the photographers themselves, from their artistic vision to the technical details that went into each shot Offers clear, concise, and accessible descriptions for the ideas, vision, performance, setup, location, equipment, camera settings, lighting diagrams, and image editing methods of each amazing photo Photo Inspiration provides a unique combination of the final photograph with the tools and knowledge that made it possible, all of which are aimed at helping you meet your photographic potential.