Найти книгу: "Biology Terminology"

Biology Terminology Biology Terminology

Автор: Speedy Publishing

Год издания: 0000

Biological terminology can be complex and challenging. A terminology study guide puts a resource into the hands of the students, that helps master that challenge. The guide helps focus and bring to the forefront the information that is necessary without providing the esoteric information that can form a distraction. This makes understanding biological terminology easier and thereby less difficult to memorize. A biology terminology study guide is a quick and efficient way to comprehend and master biological terminology and related information.
Electromagnetics in biology Electromagnetics in biology

Автор: M. Kato

Год издания: 

This book will serve as an ideal guide to the relatively new and complex field of bioelectromagnetics for students and researchers interested in the interaction of biological systems and electromagnetic fields. Coverage details:(1) biological responses of human and animals, both in vivo and in vitro methodologies, to magnetic and/or electromagnetic field exposure, (2) characteristics of effective fields, (3) hypotheses to explain possible mechanisms of interaction between the fields and cells, and (4) induced current in ELF and induced heat in RF fields as key interaction mechanisms.

Большой англо-русский словарь религиозной лексики. Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary of Religious Terminology Большой англо-русский словарь религиозной лексики. Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary of Religious Terminology

Автор: А. А. Азаров

Год издания: 

The Principles of Biology, Volume 1 (of 2) The Principles of Biology, Volume 1 (of 2)

Автор: Spencer Herbert

Год издания: 

Medical Terminology For Dummies Medical Terminology For Dummies

Автор: Beverley Henderson

Год издания: 

Grasp and retain the fundamentals of medical terminology quickly and easily Don't know a carcinoma from a hematoma? This friendly guide explains how the easiest way to remember unfamiliar, often-tongue-twisting words is to learn their parts: the prefix, root, and suffix. Medical Terminology For Dummies breaks down the words you'll encounter in your medical terminology course and gives you plain-English explanations and examples to help you master definitions, pronunciations, and applications across all medical fields. For many, the language of medicine and healthcare can be confusing, and frequently presents the greatest challenge to students – this guide was designed to help you overcome this problem with ease! Packed with ideas, study materials, quizzes, mind maps, and games to help you retain the information, Medical Terminology For Dummies quickly gets you up to speed on medical prefixes, suffixes, and root words so you'll approach even unfamiliar medical terms with confidence and ease. Bone up on words that describe and are related to the body's systems Correctly pronounce and understand the meanings of medical terms Find tricks and study tips for memorizing words Build your knowledge with helpful word-building activities If you're working toward a certification or degree in a medical or healthcare field, or if you're already on the job, Medical Terminology For Dummies is the fast and easy way to learn the lingo.

Neurobiology For Dummies Neurobiology For Dummies

Автор: Frank Amthor

Год издания: 

The approachable, comprehensive guide to neurobiology Neurobiology rolls the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system into one complex area of study. Neurobiology For Dummies breaks down the specifics of the topic in a fun, easy-to-understand manner. The book is perfect for students in a variety of scientific fields ranging from neuroscience and biology to pharmacology, health science, and more. With a complete overview of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of the nervous system, this complete resource makes short work of the ins and outs of neurobiology so you can understand the details quickly. Dive into this fascinating guide to an even more fascinating subject, which takes a step-by-step approach that naturally builds an understanding of how the nervous system ties into the very essence of human beings, and what that means for those working and studying in the field of neuroscience. The book includes a complete introduction to the subject of neurobiology. Gives you an overview of the human nervous system, along with a discussion of how it's similar to that of other animals Discusses various neurological disorders, such as strokes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and schizophrenia Leads you through a point-by-point approach to describe the science of perception, including how we think, learn, and remember Neurobiology For Dummies is your key to mastering this complex topic, and will propel you to a greater understanding that can form the basis of your academic and career success.