Найти книгу: "The ABCs of Cancer"

The ABCs of Cancer The ABCs of Cancer

Автор: Meshach Asare-Werehene

Год издания: 0000

This exciting reader-friendly book addresses the general perspectives of cancer in diverse ways &#x2014; everyday lifestyle, nutrition, environmental factors as well as genetics. The author, an expert in Immuno-Oncology, makes conscious efforts to break down the complexities of cancer development through the use of scientific evidences and everyday activities. There are so many myths about cancer out there. This book employs scientific basis to separate the facts from the myths while making it comprehensible to all readers irrespective of their scientific background. Readers are also introduced to the modern trends in cancer therapeutics.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Introduction to Cancer</li><li>Your Genes are Big Players in Cancer Development</li><li>African Diets Have Lower Cancer Risk</li><li>Alcohol Intake: A Simple Way to the Cancer Kingdom</li><li>Caution to Egg Lovers</li><li>Coffee Protects Against Cancer Risk and Recurrence</li><li>The Sweet Poison: Sugar, a Risk Factor for Cancer Development</li><li>Obesity: Pamper Your Weight and Increase Your Cancer Risk by 40%</li><li>Super Foods that Offer Anticancer Benefits</li><li>The Vegetarianism Cancer Prevention Formulae: Seafoods + Vegetables > Only Vegetables</li><li>The Anticancer Properties of Chocolate: More Than LOVE</li><li>Physical Activity: A Crucial Factor in Reducing Cancer Risk</li><li>NaNose: A 'Nose' that Detects Early-Stage Cancer in Human Breath</li><li>Cancer Myths and Misconceptions</li><li>'Sensible Use' of the Sun Can Heal</li><li>Big Headed People at Risk of Cancer</li><li>Increased Cancer Risk for Tall People</li><li>Do Snorers Have Increased Risk of Cancer Death?</li><li>Dogs: The New Era of 'Oncologists'</li><li>Is Cannabis (CBD) an Alternative Cancer Treatment Agent?</li><li>Vaping: An Emerging Concern for Increased Cancer Risk</li><li>Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cancer Prevention</li><li>Birth Control and Cancer Risk</li><li>Do Viruses, Parasites, and Bacteria Cause Cancer?</li><li>Tobacco Smoking Increases Your Risk of Cancer</li><li>Do Food Supplements Treat Cancer?</li><li>Ink with Care</li><li>Modern Trends in Cancer Therapeutics</li><li>Conclusion</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Professionals, students, general public, science and non-science enthusiasts; School libraries, society, youth camp meetings, conferences, working environment, hospital libraries, book shops and prize gifts for deserving students.Cancer;Anti-Cancer;Diet;Alcohol;Treatment;Exercise;Obesity;Vegetarian0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>The author has cutting-edge skills in scientific communication and has spoken and chaired at international conferences across the world presenting complex cancer research findings to both scientific and non-scientific audiences</li><li>The topics addressed in this book relate with everyday lifestyles such as race-specific diets, exercise, sunlight. This book carefully seizes the facts from the myths using scientifically proven evidence, squashing most of the debates about these topics</li><li>This book covers a wide readership audience which makes it very unique – professionals, students, general public, science and non-science enthusiasts as well as children who aspire to know more about cancer medicine. Thus, getting a copy could be beneficial to everyone in the family, school libraries, society, youth camp meetings, conferences, working environment, hospital libraries, book shops and prize gifts for deserving students</li></ul>
Cancer. Zodiac Cancer. Zodiac

Автор: Angel Wight

Год издания: 

This book tell about the 4th sign of Zodiac. Cancerians are mysterious, sensitive, cautious, sympathetic, vulnerable, tender. We invite you join to our Russian – British project and tell about yourself: vk.com/spiritschool

Horoscope for Cancers – 2018. Russian horoscope Horoscope for Cancers – 2018. Russian horoscope

Автор: Александр Невзоров

Год издания: 

Horoscopes for each Zodiac sign separately for 2018. Submitted by 7 Topics: Luck, Career, Vacation, Health, Sex, Love and Money. The stars predict that they expect signs in these areas and give advice. Sometimes paradoxical, but always correct based on the real situation. Horoscopes in verse for all signs of the zodiac are published by Alexander Nevzorov annually. Their readership is constantly expanding. Verses of horoscopes of excellent quality and like all.

Horoscopo para los canceres para 2018. Horoscopo ruso Horoscopo para los canceres para 2018. Horoscopo ruso

Автор: Александр Невзоров

Год издания: 

Horoscopos para cada signo del zodiaco por separado para 2018. Enviado por 7 Temas: Suerte, Carrera, Vacaciones, Salud, Sexo, Amor y dinero. Las estrellas predicen que esperan senales en estas areas y dan consejos. A veces paradojica, pero siempre correcta en funcion de la situacion real. Horoscopos en verso para todos los signos del zodiaco son publicados por Alexander Nevzorov anualmente. Sus lectores estan en constante expansion. Versos de horoscopos de excelente calidad y como todos.

Horoscope pour les cancers pour 2018. Horoscope russe Horoscope pour les cancers pour 2018. Horoscope russe

Автор: Александр Невзоров

Год издания: 

Horoscopes pour chaque signe du zodiaque separement pour 2018. Soumis par 7 Sujets: Chance, Carriere, Vacances, Sante, Sexe, Amour et Argent. Les etoiles predisent qu’elles attendent des panneaux dans ces domaines et donnent des conseils. Parfois paradoxal, mais toujours correct en fonction de la situation actuelle. Les horoscopes en vers pour tous les signes du zodiaque sont publies chaque annee par Alexander Nevzorov. Leurs lectorats se developpent constamment.

Horoscopo para canceres para 2018. Horoscopo russo Horoscopo para canceres para 2018. Horoscopo russo

Автор: Александр Невзоров

Год издания: 

Horoscopos para cada signo do Zodiaco separadamente para 2018. Enviado por 7 Topicos: Sorte, Carreira, Ferias, Saude, Sexo, Amor e Dinheiro. As estrelas preveem que eles esperam sinais nessas areas e dar conselhos. As vezes paradoxal, mas sempre correto com base na situacao atual. Horoscopos em verso para todos os sinais do zodiaco sao publicados anualmente por Alexander Nevzorov. Os seus leitores estao em constante expansao. Versos de horoscopos de excelente qualidade e como todos.