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Data Rights Law 2.0 Data Rights Law 2.0

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Год издания: 0000

Human rights, real rights, and data rights will be the three categories of fundamental rights of mankind in the future. Data rights, in essence, are the rights to share and the ultimate manifestation of data ownership. They aim at the effective use of data and holds special significance for our future life. – People.cn The digital civilization is the value justification and driving force of the creation of the data rights law, while the data rights law offers basis for the existence of the digital civilization, helping maintain its systems and improving its order. – Democracy and Law Times The research of the data rights law is a grand groundbreaking project and a major social and academic issue that future generations will have to continue to work on. – China and Africa Daily In this sense, the data rights law is the product of a leap of our civilization and its order, and it pushes for the leap of the human world from the industrial civilization to the digital civilization. – eztv.vip The proposal of the data rights law has laid a legal foundation for us to safeguard national data sovereignty, take form hold on our right to formulate data rights rules, have our voice heard in the international community in the field of data rights, and promote the rule of law in global cyberspace governance. It is of special importance to the building of a community with a shared future in cyberspace. – World Chinese Weekly
Brightside Crossing Brightside Crossing

Автор: Nourse Alan Edward

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A Little Question in Ladies' Rights A Little Question in Ladies' Rights

Автор: Fillmore Parker

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Investor's Guide to Loss Recovery. Rights, Mediation, Arbitration, and other Strategies Investor's Guide to Loss Recovery. Rights, Mediation, Arbitration, and other Strategies

Автор: Louis Straney L.

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Essential guidance for recovery of lost assets through arbitration, mediation and other forms of conflict resolution Since the discovery of the Madoff fraud and investment scandals associated with the global credit crisis, investors have become aware that they can fight back and demand both justice and monetary recovery. To date, the only reliable resources on securities arbitration have been either sensationalized accounts of how to sue Wall Street or legal references, which provide no practical application. Filled with expert guidance showing investors how arbitration works, Investor's Guide to Loss Recovery fills that gap by providing a focus on all of the investor's options when a conflict arises. Includes charts showing the major areas of litigation as well as empirical evidence of enhanced awareness of investment misconduct Proprietary research by the author, demonstrating arbitration results Analysis on how newly enacted regulatory reforms will impact the process and options for financial fraud victims Personal interviews with securities attorneys, experts and investors Detailed scripts of initial attorney interviews, mediation and arbitration New financial regulations are impacting the options available to investors looking to recover assets. Investor's Guide to Loss Recovery is must-have reading for every investor, financial advisor, and attorney.

Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks For Dummies Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks For Dummies

Автор: John Buchaca

Год издания: 

Useful tips and step-by-step guidance from filing to issue to license Acquire and protect your share of this major business asset Want to secure and exploit the intellectual property rights due you or your company? This easy-to-follow guide shows you how – helping you to evaluate your idea's commercial potential, conduct patent and trademark searches, document the invention process, license your IP rights, and comply with international laws. Plus, you get detailed examples of each patent application type! Discover how to: Avoid application blunders Register trademarks and copyrights Meet patent requirements Navigate complex legal issues Protect your rights abroad The entire body of U.S. patent laws Example office actions and amendments Sample forms Trademark registration certificates Application worksheets See the CD appendix for details and complete system requirements. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Black Stars of the Civil Rights Movement Black Stars of the Civil Rights Movement

Автор: Jim Haskins

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AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY COMES TO LIFE Discover why young people all over the country are reading the Black Stars biographies of African American heroes. Here is what you want to know about the lives of brave black men and women during the Civil Rights Movement: * LOUIS «SATCHMO» ARMSTRONG * MARY MCLEOD BETHUNE * MAJOR GENERAL BENJAMIN O. DAVIS JR. * W. E. B. DU BOIS * LIEUTENANT HENRY O. FLIPPER * MARCUS GARVEY * MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. * THURGOOD MARSHALL * ROSA PARKS * ADAM CLAYTON POWELL JR. * PHILIP RANDOLPH * PAUL ROBESON * JACKIE ROBINSON * BOOKER T. WASHINGTON * IDA B. WELLS-BARNETT * CARTER G. WOODSON * WHITNEY M. YOUNG JR. «The books in the Black Stars series are the types of books that would have really captivated me as a kid.» -Earl G. Graves, Black Enterprise magazine «Inspiring stories that demonstrate what can happen when ingenuity and tenacity are paired with courage and hard work.» -Black Books Galore! Guide to Great African American Children's Books «Haskins has chosen his subjects well . . . catching a sense of the enormous obstacles they had to overcome. . . . Some names are familiar, but most are little-known whom Haskins elevates to their rightful place in history.» -Booklist «The broad coverage makes this an unusual resource-a jumping-off point for deeper studies.» -Horn Book