Prosperity Far Distant
Автор: Charles M. Wiltse
Год издания: 0000
Fresh from receiving a doctorate from Cornell University in 1933, but unable to find work, Charles M. Wiltse joined his parents on the small farm they had recently purchased in southern Ohio. There, the Wiltses scratched out a living selling eggs, corn, and other farm goods at prices that were barely enough to keep the farm intact. In wry and often affecting prose, Wiltse recorded a year in the life of this quintessentially American place during the Great Depression. He describes the family’s daily routine, occasional light moments, and their ongoing frustrations, small and large—from a neighbor’s hog that continually broke into the cornfields to the ongoing struggle with their finances. Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal had little to offer small farmers, and despite repeated requests, the family could not secure loans from local banks to help them through the hard economic times. Wiltse spoke the bitter truth when he told his diary, “We are not a lucky family.” In this he represented millions of others caught in the maw of a national disaster. The diary is introduced and edited by Michael J. Birkner, Wiltse’s former colleague at the Papers of Daniel Webster Project at Dartmouth College, and coeditor, with Wiltse, of the final volume of Webster’s correspondence.
Gratitude Works!. A 21-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity
Автор: Robert Emmons A.
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A purposeful guide for cultivating gratitude as a way of life Recent dramatic advances in our understanding of gratitude have changed the question from «does gratitude work?» to «how do we get more of it?» This book explores evidence-based practices in a compelling and accessible way and provides a step-by-step guide to cultivating gratitude in their lives. Gratitude Works! also shows how religious, philosophical, and spiritual traditions validate the greatest insights of science about gratitude. New book from Robert Emmons the bestselling author of Thanks Filled with practical tips for fostering gratitude as a way of life Includes scientific research as well as religious and philosophical insights to show how gratitude can work in our lives From Robert Emmons, the bestselling author of Thanks, comes a resource for cultivating a life of gratitude practices.
Prosperity in The Age of Decline. How to Lead Your Business and Preserve Wealth Through the Coming Business Cycles
Автор: Brian Beaulieu
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A guide for protecting your wealth in an age of turbulent business cycles In Prosperity in the Age of Decline, Brian and Alan Beaulieu—the CEO and President of the Institute for Trend Research® (ITR)—offer an informed, meticulously-researched look at the future and the coming Great Depression. Drawing on ITR's 94.7% forecast accuracy rate, the book outlines specific, actionable strategies for capitalizing on cyclical opportunities and dodging economic danger. In this important resource, the authors reveal what it will take for individual investors and business leaders to prosper as the economy heats up prior to the predicted downturn, preserve wealth in the upcoming Great Depression, and profit on the way out of the depression. The imbalances and maladjustments have a while to play out and the authors pinpoint the investment opportunities to be had in the countdown period. The Beaulieu's examine the major economic trends at play, such as low interest rates, burgeoning government debt, and an aging population. They discuss which trends will last and what investors should do with this knowledge in order to thrive. The book also reviews the group of leading economic indicators that most consistently achieve reliable results for predicting where the economy is headed. Designed as a useful tool for investors, the book includes a working list of key trends, describes the upside potential of each trend, and explains the potential threat stemming from a particular trend. Understanding how to capitalize on these trends and knowing how to avoid the common pitfalls are the keys to creating a solid economic future for individual investors and business leaders. Contains the strategies for capitalizing on cyclical opportunities and avoiding economic dangers Offers an examination of major economic trends Includes information on the leading economic indicators that most reliably achieve results Shows how to preserve wealth and avoid the most common investing pitfalls This comprehensive resource offers guidelines for averting cyclical downturns and building on rising industry trends.
God Goes to Work. New Thought Paths to Prosperity and Profits
Автор: Tom Zender
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Your most important business asset is already within you – realize it and capitalize on it Spirituality is the basis for all successful organizations and the most important asset you have in elevating you and your business to a new level of performance. The most successful individuals and firms in the world are changing the way they do business, in order to access a vast resevoir of untapped energy. You too can join the revolution, because the tools these people are utilizing are found inside each and every one of us. Tom Zender, President Emeritus of Unity – a spiritual organization serving over three million individuals – and veteran corporate executive, reveals simple ways that you can use to find yourself suddenly on the inside edge. God Goes to Work lays out how the world rediscovered the essence of the most effective transactions and how you can implement these methods into the way you do business. This groundbreaking text gives you practical steps on how, no matter what you believe, you can learn to use your spiritual assets in business to achieve better things with greater ease. You'll discover How to make better, more profitable deals in business. The secret behind the world's most effective managers, executives and leaders, so that you can become one yourself. Simple steps to prepare your organization – no matter the size – to take advantage of the wondrous prospects that await it in this new economy. The world is finally ready to discover that spirituality is the very basis of all our most profitable business transactions. God Goes to Work gives you the practical roadmap to utilize this amazing, untapped resource for breakthrough business results.
The Investor's Manifesto. Preparing for Prosperity, Armageddon, and Everything in Between
Автор: Jonathan Clements
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A timeless approach to investing wisely over an investment lifetime With the current market maelstrom as a background, this timely guide describes just how to plan a lifetime of investing, in good times and bad, discussing stocks and bonds as well as the relationship between risk and return. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, The Investor's Manifesto will help you understand the nuts and bolts of executing a lifetime investment plan, including: how to survive dealing with the investment industry, the practical meaning of market efficiency, how much to save, how to maintain discipline in the face of panics and manias, and what vehicles to use to achieve financial security and freedom. Written by bestselling author William J. Bernstein, well known for his insights on how individual investors can manage their personal wealth and retirement funds wisely Examines how the financial landscape has radically altered in the past two years, and what investors should do about it Contains practical insights that the everyday investor can understand Focuses on the concept of Pascal's Wager-identifying and avoiding worst-case scenarios, and planning investment decisions on that basis With The Investor's Manifesto as your guide, you'll quickly discover the timeless investment approaches that can put you in a better position to prosper over time.
The Power of Consistency. Prosperity Mindset Training for Sales and Business Professionals
Автор: Weldon Long
Год издания:
How to achieve wealth, happiness, and peace of mind through personal responsibility The Power of Consistency is based on the fundamental premise that private declarations dictate future actions. In other words, we tend to take actions with the thoughts and beliefs we consistently have, and the cumulative results of those actions eventually create the quality and circumstances of our lives and businesses. Therefore, transformative change in life and business is possible when we reconstruct our minds and take responsibility for its content. Lays out a simple process—the Personal Prosperity Plan—to create powerful results in your life and business Explains the power of focus and your subconscious mind Outlines a four step process: focus, emotional connection, action, responsibility The Power of Consistency teaches you how to create a Personal Prosperity Plan, get deeply emotionally committed to the plan, and take consistent action toward implementing the plan for improved sales and business performance.