Найти книгу: "Mental Health, Service User Involvement and Recovery"

Mental Health, Service User Involvement and Recovery Mental Health, Service User Involvement and Recovery

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 0000

As the momentum for personalisation and recovery approaches grows, service users are increasingly participating as partners in all aspects of health and social care delivery, policy-making and professional training. This book provides an overview of service user involvement in mental health, its origins and current practice and policy. Written cooperatively by service users and academics, this book conveys a vital connection between recovery and involvement, offering a framework of values and helpful strategies to promote meaningful user participation. By sharing their personal narratives and contributing their views, service user authors demonstrate how taking control of their own care facilitates a swifter and more satisfying recovery. The book further acknowledges the bilateral value of user involvement in the development of mental health services, student learning, collaborative research and challenging social stigma, providing examples and critical appraisal of how this is currently being implemented. With a strong, positive emphasis on the benefits to all stakeholders, Service User Involvement and Recovery in Mental Health offers guidelines for good practice that will be relevant to health and social care practitioners, service users, students, researchers and educators.
Daewoo Sens Service Manual Daewoo Sens Service Manual

Автор: Николаенко Владимир Анатольевич

Год издания: 

В данной книге на хорошем инженерном уровне, но в то же время просто и доступно, описаны модели ZAZ-DAEWOO SENS, с 2002 г. выпуска, торговое обозначение: T1311-01, T1311-02. Бензиновый двигатель с системой распределенного впрыска топлива:1. 3 л. - 51.

Mens Health Mens Health

Автор: колектив авторов

Год издания: 

Men's Health №5 (май 2009) Men's Health №5 (май 2009)


Год издания: 

Display Interfaces. Fundamentals and Standards Display Interfaces. Fundamentals and Standards

Автор: Myers Bob, Myers Robert L.

Год издания: 

Дисплейные интерфейсы. Основы и стандарты. Название говорит само за себя. Чтобы правильно понять эту книгу, знание английского - ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО.

Men's Health №10 (октябрь 2009 / Россия) Men's Health №10 (октябрь 2009 / Россия)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: