Complicated Grief, Attachment, and Art Therapy
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания: 0000
This wide-ranging book on art therapy and grief provides everything an art therapist needs to feel confident in creating an effective treatment plan. It features fourteen clear-cut protocols, outlining 4-8 week curriculums for working with Complicated Grief, and explains the theory which informs the practice, including popular and evolving models such as Attachment Theory, Mindfulness, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Art Therapy Relational Neuroscience (ATR-N). Suitable for a variety of settings and clinical populations, the book breaks through the analytical jargon of the field and provides first-person narratives of art therapists exploring their own experiences of grief and client case studies.
Phobias, Disappointments and Grief: A Fast Remedy
Автор: Andrey Ermoshin
Год издания:
The book is written by a well-known Russian psychotherapist Andrei Ermoshin presents Psychocatalysis, his own method which has helped thousands of patients to recover from the consequences of psychological traumas. The work is illustrated with detailed examples of working through different kinds of phobias, disappointment, betrayal, infidelity or loss of a loved one. This step-by-step guide to self-regulation can be useful for everyone who needs help with his/her problems.
A Tender Attachment
Автор: Baker George Melville
Год издания:
Адаптация билингвальных детей в условиях эмиграции. Asociacion European Association Psychotherapy & Coaching Trainer Psy Positum EAPCT
Автор: Alla Zelcer
Год издания:
Пособие для родителей и учебных заведений. Существует множество ложных суждений, которые порождают все новые и новые мифы, вызывающие страх у родителей в связи с переездом в другую страну. Это пособие возникло в результате необходимости помочь родителям разобраться и преодолеть возможные трудности в адаптации ребенка, а также развеять мифы, связанные с этим вопросом.
Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies
Автор: Mary Welford
Год издания:
Don't be so hard on yourself – use compassion focused therapy as your guide It's often said that we're our own worst critics—and it's true. Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies offers straightforward and practical advice that helps you view yourself through a more sympathetic lens. This motivating text covers the key principles of compassion focused therapy, which guide you in caring for your wellbeing, becoming sensitive to your needs, recognising when you are distressed, and extending warmth and understanding to yourself. This transformative resource provides you with metrics that you can use to monitor your progress, including sensitivity, sympathy, empathy, and overall wellbeing. Initially developed to assist people experiencing high levels of shame and self-criticism, compassion focused therapy increases your awareness of the automatic reactions that you experience—and motivates you to combat negative reactions with kindness and affection. Used on its own or in combination with other therapeutic approaches, the value of compassion focused therapy is supported by strong neuropsychological evidence. Understand how to handle difficult emotions with greater ease—and less stress Transform difficult, potentially damaging relationships into positive aspects of your life Encourage and motivate yourself to continually meet your goals, rather than criticise yourself for perceived failures Stop being so hard on yourself, and appreciate yourself for who you are Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies is a wonderful resource if you are seeing—or thinking about seeing—a therapist who utilises compassion techniques, or if you would like to leverage the principles of compassion focused therapy to manage your own wellbeing.
Loving Someone Who Has Dementia. How to Find Hope while Coping with Stress and Grief
Автор: Pauline Boss
Год издания:
Research-based advice for people who care for someone with dementia Nearly half of U.S. citizens over the age of 85 are suffering from some kind of dementia and require care. Loving Someone Who Has Dementia is a new kind of caregiving book. It's not about the usual techniques, but about how to manage on-going stress and grief. The book is for caregivers, family members, friends, neighbors as well as educators and professionals—anyone touched by the epidemic of dementia. Dr. Boss helps caregivers find hope in «ambiguous loss»—having a loved one both here and not here, physically present but psychologically absent. Outlines seven guidelines to stay resilient while caring for someone who has dementia Discusses the meaning of relationships with individuals who are cognitively impaired and no longer as they used to be Offers approaches to understand and cope with the emotional strain of care-giving Boss's book builds on research and clinical experience, yet the material is presented as a conversation. She shows you a way to embrace rather than resist the ambiguity in your relationship with someone who has dementia.