Exploring Moral Injury in Sacred Texts
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания: 0000
Moral injury is a profound violation of a human being's core moral identity through experiences of violence or trauma. This is the first book in which scholars from different faith and academic backgrounds consider the concept of moral injury not merely from a pastoral or philosophical point of view but through critical engagement with the sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and American Civil Religion. This collection of essays explores the ambiguities of personal culpability among both perpetrators and victims of violence and the suffering involved in accepting personal agency in trauma. Contributors provide fresh and compelling readings of texts from different faith traditions and use their findings to reflect on real-life strategies for recovery from violations of core moral beliefs and their consequences such as shame, depression and addiction. With interpretations of the sacred texts, contributors reflect on the concerns of the morally-injured today and offer particular aspects of healing from their communities as support, making this a groundbreaking contribution to the study of moral injury and trauma.
Sacred: кровь ангела
Автор: Виттон Стив
Год издания:
Россия: экономика и общество. Тексты и упражнения / Russia: Economics and Society. Texts and Exercises
Автор: Алла Родимкина
Год издания:
Для англоговорящих учащихся, владеющих русским языком в объеме I–II сертификационного уровня (В1–В2). 16 текстов из современной российской периодики, интересных с точки зрения языка и страноведения. Тексты адаптированы и снабжены русско-английским словарем, упражнениями и заданиями для развития навыков устной и письменной речи. Ключи. Материалы могут использоваться для лексической, грамматической работы, на занятиях по переводу, в учебных дискуссиях и играх.
The Sacred Edict: Containing 16 maxims of the Emperor Kang-He
Автор: Kangxi
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The Sacred Edict : Containing 16 maxims of the Emperor Kang-He / Amplified by his son, the Emperor Yoong-Ching ; together with a paraphrase on the whole, by a Mandarin ; translated from the Chinese original, and illustrated with notes, by the Rev, William Milne».
The pleasing instructor, or Entertaining moralist
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The pleasing instructor, or Entertaining moralist : Consisting of select essays, relations, visions, and allegories, collected from the most eminent English authors : to which are prefixed, new thoughts on education / [Comp. by A. Fisher]».
Oeuvres badines et morales. T. 5
Автор: Jacques Cazotte
Год издания: