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Bone Marrow Pathology Bone Marrow Pathology

Автор: Barbara J. Bain

Год издания: 0000

Duncan and Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine. Clinical Pathology Duncan and Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine. Clinical Pathology

Автор: Kenneth Latimer S.

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Now in full color throughout, Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Pathology, Fifth Edition offers a comprehensive overview of hematology, hemostasis, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology, and reference intervals in a highly accessible outline format. With information on all major domestic species, the text is designed for the reader to quickly find answers to clinical questions. Taking a problem-solving approach to the interpretation of laboratory data, this book includes clinical cases to illustrate the concepts of laboratory data interpretation, with tables and key words to aid readers in locating and applying information. The fifth edition has been fully revised to reflect the latest knowledge, diagnostic methods, and practices in veterinary laboratory medicine. A companion website provides the images in PowerPoint and references linked to PubMed at www.wiley.com/go/latimer. Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine is an excellent quick reference for practicing veterinarians, veterinary students, clinical interns and residents, and pathology residents.

General Pathology for Veterinary Nurses General Pathology for Veterinary Nurses

Автор: Harriet Brooks

Год издания: 

A good understanding of pathology will turn a competent veterinary nurse into an outstanding one. Harriet Brooks. This is one of the first books on general pathology designed specifically for veterinary nurses and veterinary nursing students. Pathology underpins all you do as a veterinary nurse. Knowledge of the general pathological processes will give you a deeper understanding of every aspect of an animal’s health. Building on your prior knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, the book explains the pathological changes that occur in sick animals. It describes the various disease processes and shows you how to relate them to clinical presentation, diagnosis and prognosis, and treatment rationales. This book will give you the knowledge and confidence to develop your role within the veterinary team. Designed as a concise, easy to read textbook, it includes: Detailed illustrations to explain the science behind the pathological processes Summary boxes of key information to aid revision A ‘test yourself’ section at the end of each chapter

Small Animal Pathology for Veterinary Technicians Small Animal Pathology for Veterinary Technicians

Автор: Amy Johnson

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Small Animal Pathology for Veterinary Technicians fosters an understanding of small animal diseases, relating pathology information to the responsibilities of technicians in the clinical setting. Beginning with the technician’s role in pathology, terminology, and the process of diagnosis, chapters then cover diseases organized by system. From reproductive, endocrine, and eye disease to urinary tract and infectious diseases, the book offers in-depth information on a wide range of commonly presented diseases, providing technicians with practical information linked to their daily tasks. Each body system includes a brief review of anatomy and function, full-color pictures, and tip boxes to help emphasize important issues. A companion website offers images from the book, review questions, and case studies illustrating the process of handling the patient at www.wiley.com/go/johnsonvettechpath. Veterinary technician students and veterinary technicians in practice will find this a valuable resource to understanding disease and the process of diagnosis.

A Companion to Paleopathology A Companion to Paleopathology

Автор: Anne Grauer L.

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A Companion to Paleopathology offers a comprehensive overview of this rapidly growing sub- field of physical anthropology. Presents a broad overview of the field of paleopathology, integrating theoretical and methodological approaches to understand biological and disease processes throughout human history Demonstrates how paleopathology sheds light on the past through the analysis of human and non-human skeletal materials, mummified remains and preserved tissue Integrates scientific advances in multiple fields that contribute to the understanding of ancient and historic diseases, such as epidemiology, histology, radiology, parasitology, dentistry, and molecular biology, as well as archaeological, archival and historical research. Highlights cultural processes that have an impact on the evolution of illness, death and dying in human populations, including subsistence strategies, human environmental adaptations, the effects of malnutrition, differential access to resources, and interpersonal and intercultural violence

Equine Clinical Pathology Equine Clinical Pathology

Автор: Raquel Walton M.

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Equine Clinical Pathology is the first complete resource for hematology and clinical chemistry in horses. Encompassing the basic principles and advanced interpretation, the book’s single-species approach to pathology allows for focused coverage of the unique disease characteristics of equids. Equine Clinical Pathology is equally useful for anyone using clinical pathology as a diagnostic tool, from beginning student to experienced specialist. The heart of the book is organized by body system, making it easy to find and apply information. Chapters cover general laboratory medicine, including instruments and techniques, hematology, and proteins as well as specific organs, such as the kidney and liver. Equine Clinical Pathology is a useful bench-side reference for anyone involved in laboratory medicine for the horse.