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Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace

Автор: Gill Hasson

Год издания: 0000

Provides guidance for both employers and staff on promoting positive mental health and supporting those experiencing mental ill health in the workplace The importance of good mental health and wellbeing in the workplace is a subject of increased public awareness and governmental attention. The Department of Health advises that one in four people will experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives. Although a number of recent developments and initiatives have raised the profile of this crucial issue, employers are experiencing challenges in promoting the mental health and wellbeing of their employees. Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace contains expert guidance for improving mental health and supporting those experiencing mental ill health. This comprehensive book addresses the range of issues surrounding mental health and wellbeing in work environments – providing all involved with informative and practical assistance. Authors Gill Hasson and Donna Butler examine changing workplace environment for improved wellbeing, shifting employer and employee attitudes on mental health, possible solutions to current and future challenges and more. Detailed, real-world case studies illustrate a variety of associated concerns from both employer and employee perspectives. This important guide: Explains why understanding mental health important and its impact on businesses and employees Discusses why and how to promote mental health in the workplace and the importance of having an effective ‘wellbeing strategy’ Provides guidance on managing staff experiencing mental ill health Addresses dealing with employee stress and anxiety Features resources for further support if experiencing mental health issues Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace is a valuable resource for those in the workplace wanting to look after their physical and mental wellbeing, and those looking for guidance in managing staff with mental health issues.
Mens Health Mens Health

Автор: колектив авторов

Год издания: 

Men's Health №5 (май 2009) Men's Health №5 (май 2009)


Год издания: 

Display Interfaces. Fundamentals and Standards Display Interfaces. Fundamentals and Standards

Автор: Myers Bob, Myers Robert L.

Год издания: 

Дисплейные интерфейсы. Основы и стандарты. Название говорит само за себя. Чтобы правильно понять эту книгу, знание английского - ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО.

Men's Health №10 (октябрь 2009 / Россия) Men's Health №10 (октябрь 2009 / Россия)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

Men's Health №11 (ноябрь 2009/Россия) Men's Health №11 (ноябрь 2009/Россия)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: