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Trauma Trauma

Автор: Marcin Pomiecko

Год издания: 0000

Healing the Wounds. Overcoming the Trauma of Layoffs and Revitalizing Downsized Organizations Healing the Wounds. Overcoming the Trauma of Layoffs and Revitalizing Downsized Organizations

Автор: David Noer M.

Год издания: 

From the founder of «layoff survivor sickness» an updated edition of a book for today's downsized workforce Thoroughly revised and updated, David Noer's classic book about downsized organizations has never been more relevant. Reports of the most recent layoffs are making the front pages of our newspapers with frightening regularity. And massive downsizing continues to reshape the face of American business. But what about those who remain behind? Healing the Wounds provides an antidote to the widespread malaise on the American business scene left in the wake of workforce reductions. Drawing on case studies and original research, David M. Noer-an expert frequently quoted in major media such as The Wall Street Journal and Fortune on the topic of layoffs and layoff survivor sickness-provides executives, human resource professionals, managers, and consultants with an original model and clear guidelines for revitalizing downsized organizations and the employees left behind. Offers thoroughly revised edition of a book about layoffs and those who are left behind Filled with relevant case studies and recent research Written by David Noer an acclaimed expert on the topic Gives employers much-needed guidance for revitalizing downsized companies

Post-Traumatic Syndromes in Childhood and Adolescence. A Handbook of Research and Practice Post-Traumatic Syndromes in Childhood and Adolescence. A Handbook of Research and Practice

Автор: Vittoria Ardino

Год издания: 

This book offers a comprehensive overview of up-to-date research and intervention techniques for traumatized youth highlighting uncharted territories in the field of developmental trauma and related post-traumatic reactions. One of the few titles to provide a critical and comprehensive framework which focuses specifically on post-traumatic syndromes in children and adolescents Presents the implications of PTSD in other settings (such as school and family) that are not fully addressed in other works International range of contributors, such as David Foy, Julian Ford, Jennifer Freyd, Giovanni Liotti, and Brigitte Lueger-Schuster, bring perspectives from both Europe and North America An essential resource for both researchers and practitioners

Trauma. A Social Theory Trauma. A Social Theory

Автор: Jeffrey C. Alexander

Год издания: 

In this book Jeffrey C. Alexander develops an original social theory of trauma and uses it to carry out a series of empirical investigations into social suffering around the globe. Alexander argues that traumas are not merely psychological but collective experiences, and that trauma work plays a key role in defining the origins and outcomes of critical social conflicts. He outlines a model of trauma work that relates interests of carrier groups, competing narrative identifications of victim and perpetrator, utopian and dystopian proposals for trauma resolution, the performative power of constructed events, and the distribution of organizational resources. Alexander explores these processes in richly textured case studies of cultural-trauma origins and effects, from the universalism of the Holocaust to the particularism of the Israeli right, from postcolonial battles over the Partition of India and Pakistan to the invisibility of the Rape of Nanjing in Maoist China. In a particularly controversial chapter, Alexander describes the idealizing discourse of globalization as a trauma-response to the Cold War. Contemporary societies have often been described as more concerned with the past than the future, more with tragedy than progress. In Trauma: A Social Theory, Alexander explains why.

Play Therapy with Traumatized Children Play Therapy with Traumatized Children

Автор: Paris Goodyear-Brown

Год издания: 

Introducing a practical model of play therapy for traumatized children Some of the most rewarding work a therapist can do is help a child recover from a traumatic event. But where to begin? A growing body of play therapy literature offers many specific techniques and a variety of theoretical models; however, many therapists are still searching for a comprehensive model of treatment that incorporates solid theoretical constructs with effective play therapy interventions. Clinicians have long recognized that trauma therapy is not just a matter of techniques but a journey with a beginning, middle, and end. In a pioneering contribution to the field, Play Therapy with Traumatized Children: A Prescriptive Approach, the author codifies the process in her model, Flexibly Sequential Play Therapy (FSPT). Integrating non-directive and directive approaches, this components-based model allows for the uniqueness of each child to be valued while providing a safe, systematic journey towards trauma resolution. The FSPT model demystifies play-based trauma treatment by outlining the scope and sequence of posttraumatic play therapy and providing detailed guidance for clinicians at each step of the process. Dramatically demonstrating the process of healing in case histories drawn from fifteen years of clinical practice with traumatized children, Play Therapy with Traumatized Children addresses: Creating a safe place for trauma processing Augmenting the child's adaptive coping strategies and soothing his or her physiology Correcting the child's cognitive distortions Ensuring that caregivers are facilitative partners in treatment Inviting gradual exposure to trauma content through play Creating developmentally sensitive trauma narratives Using termination to make positive meaning of the post-trauma self

Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance

Автор: Henry Willmott

Год издания: 

Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance is an easy-to-read, highly visual guide to orthopaedics. It comprehensively covers relevant basic science and clinically-oriented anatomy of the musculoskeletal system, and the diagnosis and management of trauma, sports injuries, paediatric orthopaedics, degenerative disease, and musculoskeletal tumours. Although primarily aimed at junior doctors and senior medical students, it is also useful for physiotherapists and nurse practitioners. Trauma and Orthopaedics at a Glance: • Provides thorough coverage of diagnosis, investigation and contemporary treatment options of commonly encountered orthopaedic conditions; • Features a section on what to expect as a Foundation doctor in orthopaedics, including how to present cases in trauma meetings, essential information to survive ‘on-call’ shifts and tips for efficient clerking of trauma admissions; • Unique ‘how to’ section, comprising guidance on key practical procedures such as aspirating joints, manipulating fractures and applying plaster casts. • Includes a companion website at ataglanceseries.com/tando featuring 120 multiple-choice questions and 10 case studies This brand new title presents an overview of all the information relating to diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions, and is ideal while on rotation or revising key concepts.