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Maailmaranduri ja kirjaniku Olev Remsu reisikiri „Toronto – New York – Los Angeles“ valmis parast 2007.aasta reisi kolme Pohja-Ameerika kosmopoliitsesse suurlinnas. Linnas jalgrattal ja linnade vahel vaga ebaameerikalikult bussiga reisides, on autori pilk kinni puudnud detailid, mis reeglina kahe silma vahele jaavad. Raamatut illustreerivad arvukad fotod, nende autorite hulgas on ka Eesti uks tuntumaid arhitektuurifotograafe Arne Maasik. Получить ссылку

Minu New York. Labi taeva ja porgu Minu New York. Labi taeva ja porgu

Автор: Dagmar Raudam

Год издания: 

Woody Alleni tegelane utleb 1979. aastal filmis „Manhattan“ New Yorgi kohta: „See on lihtsalt suureparane linn (ja mul on ukskoik, mida keegi teine sellest arvab).“Ma olen temaga taiesti nous. Esimene kokkupuude oli mul New Yorgiga 15aastaselt. Koledas pimedas detsembris, aga ma tahtsin kohe siia tagasi tulla. Tulingi, lugematuid kordi. Eemaldusin moemaailmast ja kombin uue hooga tarkavat mitmekihilist filmielu. Nuud jookseb kuues aasta, kui olen ennast siia pariselt sisse seadnud ja see linn ei tundu enam holmamatu. Kull aga pole lootustki teda taltsutada ja enda omaks teha.New York on minust kovasti naiivsust valja peksnud ja mitu kaitsekihti peale kasvatanud. On paevi, kui pean ennast kovasti kokku votma, et ta oma kiiruse ja meeletu energiaga mind maha ei murraks. Aga paradoksaalsel kombel on see mind veel suuremalt unistama opetanud. Ja niikaua, kui see vana vorgutaja mind uha edasi innustab, ma siit lahkuda ei kavatse.

The Napoleon of New York. Mayor Fiorello La Guardia The Napoleon of New York. Mayor Fiorello La Guardia

Автор: H. Paul Jeffers

Год издания: 

Praise for H. Paul Jeffers Diamond Jim Brady: Prince of the Gilded Age «One of the most entertaining historical business narratives in recent memory. The story of this symbol of America's Gilded Age is filled with such gusto and vigor that even hardcore business readers will be swept away.» -Publishers Weekly «Superb historical biography of one of the more colorful characters in American history . . . spirited. . . . Jeffers deftly weaves together intriguing stage-setting explanations of the age of robber barons, the crash of 1893, and that unforgettable era of unbridled wealth for the few in 1890s New York. As this marvelous story reveals, Brady's lavish lifestyle embodies America's Gilded Age. Highly recommended for all libraries.» -Library Journal An Honest President: The Life and Presidencies of Grover Cleveland «A well-written and timely book that reminds us of Grover Cleveland's courage, commitment, and honesty at a time when these qualities are so lacking in so much of American politics.» -James MacGregor Burns, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award Colonel Roosevelt: Theodore Roosevelt Goes to War, 1897–1898 «A handsome narrative of a crucial period in the career of one of our country's most colorful politicians.» -Publishers Weekly

A Companion to Los Angeles A Companion to Los Angeles

Автор: Deverell William

Год издания: 

This Companion contains 25 original essays by writers and scholars who present an expert assessment of the best and most important work to date on the complex history of Los Angeles. The first Companion providing a historical survey of Los Angeles, incorporating critical, multi-disciplinary themes and innovative scholarship Features essays from a range of disciplines, including history, political science, cultural studies, and geography Photo essays and ‘contemporary voice’ sections combine with traditional historiographic essays to provide a multi-dimensional view of this vibrant and diverse city Essays cover the key topics in the field within a thematic structure, including demography, social unrest, politics, popular culture, architecture, and urban studies

Los Angeles Lakers. Zlota historia NBA Los Angeles Lakers. Zlota historia NBA

Автор: Marcin Harasimowicz

Год издания: 

Sekrety Los Angeles Sekrety Los Angeles

Автор: Susan Crosby

Год издания: