USA Neitsisaarte episkopaalkiriku ulemdiakon Henry St. Clair Whitehead (1882–1932) on M. R. Jamesi ja H. P. Lovecrafti korval uks tahtsamaid 20. sajandi alguse ouduskirjanikke. Just tema lisas zanri kaanonisse Kariibi mere saarte lummava ja noidusliku miljoo, Aafrikast neegerorjadega kaasa toodud Guinea Suure Mao kultuse voodoo, zombid jmt. Ouduskirjanduse spetsialist Silver Sara on nende kaante vahele valja valinud kumme Whiteheadi koige eriskummalisemat ning oovatekitavamat jutustust ja luhijuttu, milles kohtame tillukesi saatanlikke olendeid-inimkasvajaid, mustanahaliste kummalisi usutalitusi ja -kombeid, vanale meremaalile vangistatud piinlevat piraati, neegernoia kaest kohutava needuse kaela saavat orjalaeva kaptenit, aga naiteks ka Uus-Inglismaa taiesti lovecraftilikus kolkakulas lapsi roovivaid guule. Whiteheadi moju moodsale oudusele on raske ule hinnata, kuid erinevalt nii paljudest jaljendustest ja tootlustest, kirjeldas ta Kariibi mere saarte folkloori ja voodoo-praktikaid, mida oli pohjalikult tundma oppinud, suure respekti ja moistmisega, justkui oleks see midagi, mis voib pariseltki tema kristliku maailma korval eksisteerida. Kirjaniku tekstides just nii ongi: Laane-India saarte koloniaalkultuuri, harrastemajade ja kirikute anglikaani, katoliku ja luterliku maailma korval eksisteerib nende saarte polismetsades ja dzunglite sudames hoopis teistsugune, Laane-Aafrikast parit kultuur ja religioon oma oovastavate ja joledate kommetega, millest valgel mehel oleks targem eemale hoida. Uks on igatahes kindel – Henry S. Whiteheadist osavamat miljoomeistrit ning autentse Laane-India atmosfaari edasiandjat on voimatu leida. Получить ссылку |
An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India
Автор: William Robertson
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India : and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope : with an appendix, containing observations on the civil policy – the laws and the judicial proceedings – the arts – the sciences – and religious institutions, of the Indians / by William Robertson, D.D.F.R.S. Ed.».
A journey from India to England, through Persia, Georgia, Russia, Poland, and Prussia
Автор: John Johnson
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «A journey from India to England, through Persia, Georgia, Russia, Poland, and Prussia : in the year 1817 : illustrated with engravings / by Lieut. Col. John Johnson».
The West Indian
Автор: Richard Cumberland
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The West Indian : a comedy : adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden / by Richard Cumberland ; regulated from the prompt-books by permission of the managers».
An account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India. Vol. 1
Автор: Mountstuart Elphinstone
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «An account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India : Vol. 1 : comprising a view of the Afghaun nation, and a history of the Dooraunee Monarchy : with an entirely new map : in 2 volumes / by the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone».
An account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India. Vol. 2
Автор: Mountstuart Elphinstone
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «An account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India : Vol. 2 : comprising a view of the Afghaun nation, and a history of the Dooraunee Monarchy : with an entirely new map : in 2 volumes / by the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone».
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