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Full Steam Ahead! Unleash the Power of Vision in Your Work and Your Life Full Steam Ahead! Unleash the Power of Vision in Your Work and Your Life

Автор: Ken Blanchard

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The lessons of Full Steam Ahead! are revealed through the inspirational story of two people who were able to create a vision for the place they worked and for their own lives. Jim Carpenter, president of a mid-sized insurance agency, didn't get the "vision thing." The agency was doing well, but Jim had a strong sense that things could be much better. Ellie Atkins offered a fresh perspective. Together they discover the three elements of a compelling vision: a significant purpose, clear values, and a picture of the future. They also discover how to ensure that the vision comes alive through understanding the principles of: how it is created, how it is communicated and how it is lived and demonstrate that vision is not only necessary, but also possible and achievable.

Rancho Del Muerto and Other Stories of Adventure from «Outing» by Various Authors Rancho Del Muerto and Other Stories of Adventure from «Outing» by Various Authors

Автор: Various

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Boy Scouts: Tenderfoot Squad: or, Camping at Raccoon Lodge Boy Scouts: Tenderfoot Squad: or, Camping at Raccoon Lodge

Автор: Douglas Alan Captain

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Outings At Odd Times Outings At Odd Times

Автор: Abbott Charles Conrad

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Camping with President Roosevelt Camping with President Roosevelt

Автор: John Burroughs

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