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Tervist, proua president! Tervist, proua president!

Автор: Katrin Lusti

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Kes on Evelin Ilves tegelikult? Milline on ta siis, kui ta ei ole vastuvottudel voi heategevusuritustel kaamerate fookuses? Milline oli ta siis, kui ta ei olnud veel presidendi abikaasa?Katrin Lust on votnud intervjuusid kumnetelt inimestelt, kes tundsid Evelini juba lapsena, kaisid temaga koos ulikoolis, olid kolleegid tema ambitsioonika karjaari algusaastatel. Lugudest joonistub valja pilt naisest, kes ruhib kohklematult tippu, maadeldes samal ajal oma ebakindluse ja keeruliste lahisuhetega. Kas Evelin Ilvese eesmark oligi alati saada presidendiprouaks? Ja kas tema unistuse taitumine oli onnistus voi hoopis needus? Kas voim ja raha rikkusid ara tubli, tookaja sihikindla eesti naise voi olid kallid kleidid ning lakkamatu esinemisvajaduse rahuldamine algusest saadik eesmark omaette?

Wyn's Camping Days: or, The Outing of the Go-Ahead Club Wyn's Camping Days: or, The Outing of the Go-Ahead Club

Автор: Marlowe Amy Bell

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The Kidnapped President The Kidnapped President

Автор: Boothby Guy

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Boy Scouts: Tenderfoot Squad: or, Camping at Raccoon Lodge Boy Scouts: Tenderfoot Squad: or, Camping at Raccoon Lodge

Автор: Douglas Alan Captain

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The President's Murderer The President's Murderer

Автор: Jennifer Bassett

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A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded readers. Written for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett. The President is dead! A man is running in the night. He is afraid and needs to rest. But there are people behind him – people with lights, and dogs, and guns. A man is standing in front of a desk. His boss is very angry, and the man is tired and needs to sleep. But first he must find the other man, and bring him back – dead or alive. Two men: the hunter and the hunted. Which will win and which will lose? Long live the President!