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History of the Staffordshire potteries and the rise and progress of the manufacture of pottery and porcelain History of the Staffordshire potteries and the rise and progress of the manufacture of pottery and porcelain

Автор: Simeon Shaw

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «History of the Staffordshire potteries and the rise and progress of the manufacture of pottery and porcelain : With the references to genuine specimens and notices of eminent potters / [By Simeon Shaw]».

Recherches sur l'origine, les progress, le rachat, l'etat actuel et la regie de la dette nationale de la Grande-Bretagne Recherches sur l'origine, les progress, le rachat, l'etat actuel et la regie de la dette nationale de la Grande-Bretagne

Автор: Robert Hamilton

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Recherches sur l'origine, les progress, le rachat, l'etat actuel et la regie de la dette nationale de la Grande-Bretagne / par Robert Hamilton ; traduites de l'anglais sur la 2 edition par J.-Henri la Salle».

A select collection of English songs, with their original airs, and a Historical essay on the origin and progress of national song. Vol. 1 A select collection of English songs, with their original airs, and a Historical essay on the origin and progress of national song. Vol. 1

Автор: Joseph Ritson

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A select collection of English songs, with their original airs, and a Historical essay on the origin and progress of national song : Vol. 1 : in 3 volumes / by the late Joseph Ritson ; with additional songs and occasional notes by Thomas Park».

A select collection of English songs, with their original airs, and a Historical essay on the origin and progress of national song. Vol. 2 A select collection of English songs, with their original airs, and a Historical essay on the origin and progress of national song. Vol. 2

Автор: Joseph Ritson

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «A select collection of English songs, with their original airs ; and a Historical essay on the origin and progress of national song : Vol. 2 : in 3 volumes / by the late Joseph Ritson ; with additional songs and occasional notes, by Thomas Park».

Shakspeare's genius justified Shakspeare's genius justified

Автор: Zachariah Jackson

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Shakspeare's genius justified : being restorations and illustrations of 700 passages in Shakspeare's plays, which have afforded abundant scope for critical animadversion : and hitherto held at defiance the penetration of all Shakspeare's commentators / by Z. Jackson».