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La alhambra; leyendas arabes
Автор: Fernandez y Gonzalez Manuel
Год издания:
Terra Fantastica kartograafid. Kirjandusloolisi artikleid ja kriitikat 1995–2020
Автор: Raul Sulbi
Год издания:
Ulmekirjanduse sunni- ja arengulugu on sama ponev kui ulme ise. Vanad pulpajakirjad, kadunud maailmad oma dinosauruste platoodega, Tarzan ja inimahvid, Jules Verne’i majesteetlikud leiutised, aurupungi mehaanilised tehisinimesed, ajareisid ja Asum, tulevikuseks ja Veenuse dzunglid, barbar Conan ja Robert E. Howardi mustiliselt realistlikud fantaasiamaailmad, tulevikku ette nagev ulme, Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Michael Moorcock, George R. R. Martin, Jack McDevitt, Alastair Reynolds, Clifford D. Simak ja John Wyndham ning teised meil pohjusega armastatud ulmekirjanikud – koik see moodustab omamoodi kaleidoskoopilise pildi ulmekirjanduse ajaloost, kaardistatud volumaailma, mis oma kirjususes loob neist kaleidoskoobikildudest siiski tervikpildi kogu ulme ajaloost, alates H. G. Wellsist ja E. R. Burroughsist kuni Robert A. Heinleini ja Arthur C. Clarke’ini. Raul Sulbi (1977) on lopetanud Hugo Treffneri Gumnaasiumi, oppinud Tartu Ulikoolis ajalugu ning tootanud aastaid ajakirjanikuna Sirbis ja Postimehes. Ta oli 1995. aastal Eesti Ulmeuhingu asutaja ja esimene president ning aitas 1998. aastal kaima lukata veebiajakirja Algernon, ulmehuviliste aastakokkutulekuid Estcon ning Eesti ulme aastaauhindade Stalker valjaandmist. Kirjastuses Fantaasia ilmuvad tema koostatud sarjad Orpheuse Raamatukogu, Taheaeg, Hirmu ja ouduse jutud ning Robert Silverbergi valitud teosed. Sulbi on koostanud ja toimetanud kumneid Eesti ja valismaiste autorite ulmeraamatuid: romaane, autorikogusid ja antoloogiaid. Ta on populaarse ajalooulevaate «Troonide mang: Rooside sojad Yorkide ja Lancasterite vahel 1455–1487» autor (Viiking 2016).
THE ELEMENT ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FAIRIES: An A-Z of Fairies, Pixies, and other Fantastical Creatures
Автор: Lucy Cooper
Год издания:
The latest title in the much-loved Element Encyclopedia series, The Element Encyclopedia of Fairies explores the history, legends, and mythology of these little peoples.In the latest instalment of the best-selling Element Encyclopedia series, fairy expert Lucy Cooper examines the long history of fairies in our world, both ancient and modern. From the Fates of ancient Greece and the Sidhe of the Celts to the Cottingley Fairies of Yorkshire and the Djinn of Arabia. Loaded with hundreds upon hundreds of fascinating entries, this is the most comprehensive and definitive book on fairies available today.In addition to the essential A to Z reference guide, The Element Encyclopedia of Fairies also features a series of essays which will illuminate for readers:• How to see a fairy• Fairies in literature and legend• The difference between a “fairy” and a “faerie”• Fairies from around the world• What and where is Fairyland?Whether you’re a seasoned fairy spotter or a new visitor to Fairyland, The Element Encyclopedia of Fairies is an essential addition to your fantastical bookshelf.
Diana Wynne Jones’s Fantastical Journeys Collection
Автор: Diana Wynne Jones
Год издания:
Come on a journey through the magical worlds of the award-winning Diana Wynne Jones. This exclusive ebook collection of three titles contains A Tale of Time City, The Homeward Bounders, and her final published novel (completed by her sister Ursula Jones), The Islands of Chaldea.Welcome to the world of Diana Wynne Jones, where magical characters take fantastical journeys through lands, space and time.The Islands of Chaldea was Diana’s last published novel and was completed by her sister Ursula Jones. Aileen is convinced she’ll never become a Wise Woman like her Aunt Beck. But when they’re sent on an impossible mission together, Aileen realises she might be more special than she thought…In A Tale From Time City, Vivian Smith is evacuated from London in 1939, but instead of staying in the countryside is kidnapped by two boys and whisked away to the mysterious Time City. More importantly, they seem to expect her to be able to save it…And in The Homeward Bounders, when Jamie wanders into the world of the sinister Them, playing games with human’s lives, he is banished to the boundaries of the worlds. Doomed to wander until he can find his way home, Jamie bands with other lost children to try and thwart Their plans. But can they really beat The Game?Winner of numerous accolades including the Guardian Award, Diana’s stories are loved by generations of children and adults and she was hailed by Neil Gaiman as ‘the best writer of magic there is’.
Forty Fantastically Funny Fables
Автор: Joe Bevilacqua
Год издания:
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