Clear, practical, step-by-step guidance through the nonprofit merger process Using real-world examples, case studies, and enduring frameworks, Nonprofit Mergers and Alliances, Second Edition offers clear, practical, step-by-step guidance through the merger and alliance development process. From assessing feasibility and planning for implementation to post-merger integration, this ground-breaking work points out pitfalls and offers insightful commentary in every chapter. Provides a comprehensive framework for designing and implementing effective collaborations of all kinds Offers the tools needed to effectively collaborate with potential partners Shows how nonprofit mergers are fundamentally different from for-profit mergers-and why board members need to know this Focuses on the needs of the nonprofit sector, including cultural compatibility and compassionate management practices Shows nonprofit managers and board members how to make their way through the merger process without repeating Wall Street's mistakes Insightful and realistic, Nonprofit Mergers and Alliances, Second Edition equips you with the tools and knowledge you need to create effective collaborations. Получить ссылку |
Intelligent M & A. Navigating the Mergers and Acquisitions Minefield
Автор: Scott Moeller
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Almost 70% of mergers fail, yet deals are essential for growing world-class companies. Therefore they must use all the tools and techniques at their disposal to improve their chances of success. Applying the techniques advocated in this book can help managers beat the odds – and employees themselves – to have an impact on whether a deal will be successful both for the company and for themselves. This book looks at the process of a merger or acquisition and pinpoints the areas where business intelligence can raise the odds of success in each phase of the deal. Using techniques developed by governmental intelligence services and a wide range of recent case studies, quotations and anecdotes, the expert authors from the renowned Cass Business School show how to build success into any M&A situation. The first edition of Intelligent M&A was written in 2006 and published in 2007. This preceded the peak year (2007) of the last merger wave, including the excesses in a number of industries and deals (e.g., financial services with RBS’ dramatically failed acquisition of ABN AMRO as a key example), and the global economic downturn that led to a completely new way of operating for many industries and companies. Therefore, there is a need to update the book to incorporate not just more relevant and up-to-date case studies of deals but to show the ‘new’ way of operating in a post-Lehman environment. Chapters will be comprehensively re-written and populated with new and relevant case studies.
Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations. A Practical Guide for Dynamic Times
Автор: Michael Allison
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The bestselling guide to nonprofit planning, with proven, practical advice Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations describes a proven method for creating an effective, organized, actionable strategy, tailored to the unique needs of the nonprofit organization. Now in its third edition, this bestselling manual contains new information about the value of plans, specific guidance toward business planning, and additional information about the strategic plan document itself. Real-world case studies illustrate different planning and implementation scenarios and techniques, and the companion website offers templates, tools, and worksheets that streamline the process. The book provides expert insight, describing common misperceptions and pitfalls to avoid, helping readers craft a strategic plan that adheres to the core values of the organization. A well-honed strategic plan helps nonprofit managers set priorities, and acquire and allocate the resources necessary to achieve their goals. It also provides a framework for handling challenges, and keeps the focus on the organization's priorities. Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations is an excellent source of guidance for managers at nonprofits of every size and budget, helping readers to: Identify the reasons for planning, and gather information from internal and external stakeholders Assess the current situation accurately, and agree on priorities, mission, values, and vision Prioritize goals and objectives for the plan, and develop a detailed implementation strategy Evaluate and monitor a changing environment, updating roles, goals, and parameters as needed Different organizations have different needs, processes, resources, and priorities. The one thing they have in common is the need for a no-nonsense approach to planning with practical guidance and a customizable framework. Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations takes the fear out of planning, with expert guidance on the nonprofit's most vital management activity.
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings
Автор: Patrick Gaughan A.
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The comprehensive guide to mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructurings Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings is an all-inclusive guide to M&As that illustrates how restructuring can be used successfully, how each form works, and the laws that govern them. This updated edition includes the latest statistics, research, graphs, and case studies on the private equity market, ethics, legal frameworks, and corporate governance, presented in a more approachable, manageable way. Written from a practical and historical perspective, this book carefully analyzes the strategies and motives that inspire M&As, the legalities involved each step of the way, and the offensive and defensive techniques used during hostile acquisitions. Corporate restructurings are indispensable in building a new generation of re-engineered companies with the power and resources to compete on the global playing field. This book covers the full spectrum of transactions, from megadeals to downsizing, and takes a fresh look at restructuring and how it is being used to revitalize and supercharge companies. Learn how corporate restructuring helps companies compete Discover the common impetus behind M&As Understand the laws and rules that govern the field Examine more effective strategies for hostile acquisitions The slowdown in the world's economy means that mergers and corporate restructuring will likely increase. It is essential for students and professionals to fully understand the concepts and mechanics behind these transactions, and Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings is the comprehensive guide to the field.
Nonprofit Fundraising 101. A Practical Guide to Easy to Implement Ideas and Tips from Industry Experts
Автор: Darian Heyman Rodriguez
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Raise more money for your cause! Based on expert advice and insights from a variety of respected industry experts, Nonprofit Fundraising 101 is an essential text for nonprofit professionals, volunteers, activists, and social entrepreneurs who want to leverage best practices to promote their cause. Built upon the success of the best-selling Nonprofit Management 101, this easy to digest book provides practical, comprehensive guidance for nonprofit fundraising around the globe. With tips and tools, expert advice, and real-world insights from almost fifty industry leaders, this robust resource addresses the entire spectrum of fundraising for nonprofits, including: Planning, hiring, and tracking progress Individual donors, major gifts, events, and direct mail Board and volunteer engagement Foundation and government grants Corporate partnerships Online and email fundraising Social media and mobile crowdfunding Earned income and social enterprise Written by and for front line practitioners and geared towards a global audience of emerging and established leaders, this field guide offers step-by-step formulas for success. Nonprofit Fundraising 101 features a foreword by fundraising guru and Soul of Money author Lynne Twist, insights from notable non-profit professionals such as CNN's Van Jones, and an afterword by Kiva.org Co-Founder & President Premal Shah. This book also provides indispensible ideas and diverse case studies ranging from grassroots efforts to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and advice for organizations of all sizes and focus. Chapters are brief and easily digestible, featuring extensive resources for additional learning, concrete best practices, and pitfalls to avoid. Enjoy this must-read manual to learn tried and true ways to raise more money for your cause, nonprofit, or charity.
Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Автор: Scott Whitaker C.
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Navigate cross border M&A for a flawless integration execution Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions is a practical toolbox for corporate strategy and development professionals dealing with the many challenges involved in cross border M&A. With a detailed discussion of key market specifics and broadly-applicable critical insight, this book demystifies the cross border M&A process and provides a host of practical tools that ease strategic implementation. A geographical overview explains the trends in major M&A markets including Australia, Brazil, China, Russia, the U.K., and the U.S., and industry-specific guidance covers Financial Services, Aerospace and Defense, Health Care, Tech, Manufacturing, and more. Leading experts relate lessons learned while managing actual PMI (post merger integration) processes, and the discussion of cultural impacts and specific situational needs provides deep insight into the type of leadership a flawless integration requires. Corporate restructuring and internationalization efforts are increasingly relying on cross border mergers and acquisitions. Strategies, motives, and consequences are a complex navigational minefield, but this insightful guide provides solid, actionable guidance for leading a successful integration. Understand the region-specific details that make an impact Overcome common challenges and manage complex deals Gain practical insight and valuable tools for leading integration Learn the most current best practices for PMI® processes Cross border M&A is complex, with myriad challenges and obstacles inherent to the situation. Successful integration and a smooth transition are critical, and there's little wiggle room—it's a situation where you have only one chance to get it right. Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions is an essential guide to the process, with key tools for execution.
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