Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Tax Havens Today arms you with the knowledge, strategies, and contacts needed to avoid expensive mistakes and make the most of your offshore endeavors. Divided into four comprehensive parts, this timely resource will bring you completely up to speed on a variety of issues that anyone aspiring to go offshore must be familiar with. Получить ссылку |
Lean Six Sigma Banking. Быстрый старт 100 проектов
Автор: Александр Казинцев
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Цель этой книги – рассказать, как адаптировать популярную во всем мире методику Lean Six Sigma к банковским процессам и специфическим российским условиям. «Быстрый старт 100 проектов» – популярное изложение технологии выполнения LSS проектов, разработанной автором для массового обучения сотрудников российских банков. Её эффективность подтверждается сотнями успешных проектов и миллионами долларов экономии каждый год. Книга написана понятным языком, может использоваться для самостоятельного изучения технологии или в качестве теоретического материала семинаров-практикумов.
High-Powered Investing All-in-One For Dummies
Автор: Consumer Dummies
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Your key to success in high-end investments Looking for help making smarter, more profitable high-end investment decisions? Why buy 13 books that cover each of the major topics you need to understand, when High-Powered Investing All-In-One For Dummies gives you 13 expert guides for the price of one? This hands-on resource arms you with an arsenal of advanced investing techniques for everything from stocks and futures to options and exchange-traded funds. You'll find out how to trade on the FOREX market, evaluate annuities, choose the right commodities, and buy into hedge funds. Plus, you'll get up to speed on using business fundamentals and technical analysis to help you make smarter decisions and maximize your returns. You'll also find ways to be as aggressive as your personality and bank account allow, without taking foolish or excessive risks. Updated compilation is targeted at readers who already have a basic understanding of investing principles and who are looking for a reference to help them build a diversified portfolio Offers a succinct framework and expert advice to help you make solid decisions and confidently invest in the marketplace The key to expanding your investment opportunities successfully is information. Whether you're just beginning to explore more advanced investing or have been dabbling in it for a while, High-Powered Investing All-In-One For Dummies gives you the information, strategies, and techniques you need to make your financial dreams come true.
Right on the Money. Doug Casey on Economics, Investing, and the Ways of the Real World with Louis James
Автор: Doug Casey
Год издания:
Your favorite financial contrarian spreads the wealth in interviews on forty separate topics Investment guru Doug Casey made headlines with the financial approach he advocated in Totally Incorrect. Casey believes that the best returns come from going against the grain, and taking a closer look at what everyone else is leaving behind. This rational approach to speculation struck a chord with the investing public, inspiring the follow-up book Right on the Money: Doug Casey on Economics, Investing, and the Ways of the Real World with Louis James. In Right on the Money, Casey expands upon the basic ideas presented in Totally Incorrect, and translates them into actionable steps to take today to ensure a secure financial future. In a series of forty interviews, Casey presents his views on various topics, including investments, assets, real estate, and ethics. With his usual candor, he advocates for immediate action and lays down the path from idea to investment. Regardless of your position on each topic, you'll be forced to consider a perspective you've never before considered on topics such as: Protecting your assets with educated speculation The pros and cons of gold, cattle, and real estate Ethics of investing and the morality of money The impact of the EU, Africa, Egypt, and North Korea No matter what topic he focuses on, Casey's primary message is always clear: act now. Stop paralysis by analysis and take the leap. You only get one financial future, and it's up to you to make it as secure and comfortable as possible. In Right on the Money: Doug Casey on Economics, Investing, and the Ways of the Real World with Louis James, Casey presents the case for investing against the grain, and reaping the rewards others have passed over.
The Liquidity Risk Management Guide. From Policy to Pitfalls
Автор: Gudni Adalsteinsson
Год издания:
Liquidity risk is in the spotlight of both regulators and management teams across the banking industry. The European banking regulator has introduced and implemented a stronger liquidity regulatory framework and local regulators have made liquidity a top priority on their supervisory agenda. Banks have accordingly followed suit. Liquidity risk is now a topic widely discussed in boardrooms as banks strive to set up a strong and efficient liquidity risk management framework which, while maintaining sufficient resources, does not jeopardize the necessary profitability and return targets. The Liquidity Risk Management Guide: From Policy to Pitfalls is practical guide for banks and risk professionals to proactively manage liquidity risk in a systemic way. The book sets out its own comprehensive framework, which includes all the various and critical components of liquidity risk management. The recommendations are based on experiences from the recent financial crises, best practices and compliance with current and future regulatory requirements, with special emphasis on Basel III. Using the new 6 Step Framework, the book provides step-by-step guidance for the reader to build their liquidity management framework into a new overarching structure, which brings all the different parts of liquidity risk into one approach. Special attention is given to the challenges that banks currently face when adopting and implementing the Basel III liquidity requirements and guidance is given on how the new metrics can be integrated into the existing framework, providing the most value to the banks instead of being a regulatory reporting matter.
Collaborative Capitalism and the Rise of Impact Investing
Автор: Jed Emerson
Год издания:
Investing with the explicit goal of creating financial returns alongside measurable social and environmental benefits is catching fire. Wall Street's biggest players are rushing to provide clients with access to new impact investing options, amid growing consumer demand and evidence that the approach can be successfully executed. Recent research on outstanding impact investing funds has revealed a mature practice, vibrant with commercial investors, providing stable, predictable returns to their investors as well as supporting the creation of millions of jobs and other tangible outcomes in markets overlooked by traditional asset managers. And yet, the individuals and organizations committed to impact investing are just the tip of the iceberg in a larger movement. This includes the growing field of social enterprise, where market-based solutions can go beyond what government and philanthropy can do to directly address society's problems. And it includes institutional investors who have utilized impact screens and shareholder activism as a risk reduction strategy over the past 30 years. Collaborative Capitalism and the Rise of Impact Investing sees these movements as signs of a much more fundamental shift, as finance as a whole responds to an increased consumer demand for market transparency—the need to know exactly what we are buying, where and how it was made, and who it affects. By putting a lens on the underlying practices that bridge impact investing and risk mitigation finance, the book outlines the transformation in finance itself, driven by more cross-sector, transparent relationships in the service of creating long-term value for multiple stakeholders, not just shareholders.
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